Old Erie Lodge #003 – Inspection Update

Greetings Brethren – Just a quick announcement regarding our Inspection Dinner. Dinner will be at 6pm, and will consist of Pot Roast as the main dish; Potatoes, Carrots and Onions as side dish #1, Coleslaw as side dish #2, and some kind of dessert (undecided, but probably pie/cake variants). The price will be $15 per each reservation. Officers participating in the Inspection work will have their meal covered by Old

Old Erie Lodge Monthly Update – Feb 2022

Greetings Brethren! I hope this message finds you staying warm and healthy! I wanted to take a moment and give you some updates to what is happening at your lodge in the coming months. Stated Meetings / Practices – You are always welcome to attend any of our meetings and/or practices, and if you need transportation, please contact one of your officers, who will gladly either give you a ride,

Old Erie Lodge – December 2021 (2nd Post)

Holiday Greetings, My Brethren – I hope this reading finds you in good health and good spirits, and that your upcoming (or recently past, depending on when you read this) holiday season is thoroughly enjoyable for you! We recently celebrated our Awards Night, and I want to take a moment to congratulation all of our honorees: Celebrating their 25th Year as Masons: William Catlin * Douglas JohnsonCelebrating their 30th Year

Old Erie Lodge #3 – December 2021

Greetings my brethren – I hope this reading finds you in good health and good spirits, and you find yourself doing well in our current times. I noticed that our lodge hasn’t updated these messages in a good while, so I definitely want to remedy that. One of the things that we’ve discussed is the possibility of having some of our normal meeting available via Zoom Conference. This would allow

Old Erie #3 – October, 2019

Old Erie Lodge #3 WM: Eugene MiligiPhone: 330-502-6931 (ok to text)email: e_miligi@yahoo.com Fraternal greetings, Brethren! This is the October issue of the Lodge newsletter which means I’m going into the last full month of my year in the East.  I’ll get sentimental in my next article. Our first meeting in October, The 1st of October, we will be conferring the FC Degree.  Since we do not have an actual candidate,

Old Erie – September, 2019

Old Erie Lodge #3 WM Eugene MiligiPhone: 330-502-6931 (ok to text)email: e_miligi@yahoo.com Welcome back to Lodge, Brethren! I hope everyone had an enjoyable Summer and I hope this newsletter finds you in good health and spirits. I must begin by congratulating Brother Gary on being raised in June.  We put on a fine MM Degree for him and I’m proud of the work that we did.  Speaking of work, we

Old Erie – June, 2019

Old Erie Lodge #3 WM Eugene Miligi Phone: 330-502-6931 (ok to text) email: e_miligi@yahoo.com Stated Meetings: 1st and 3rd Tuesdays at 7:30 pm Warren Masonic Temple 112 Pine Ave. NE Warren, Ohio 44481-1232 June is here and it is marking the time when many Lodges, ours included, take a rest from their labors for the Summer.  However, before we break for the Summer, there are a few more things to

Old Erie Lodge #3 – May, 2019

Old Erie Lodge #3 WM Eugene Miligi Phone: 330-502-6931 (ok to text) email: e_miligi@yahoo.com Stated Meetings: 1st and 3rd Tuesdays at 7:30 pm Warren Masonic Temple 112 Pine Ave. NE Warren, Ohio 44481-1232 May is upon us and with the Spring comes a new rebirth. We have the Grand Master’s Reception coming to town on the 11th at Sorrento’s and the Grand Master’s One Day Class the following Saturday at

Old Erie #3 Lodge – April, 2019

Old Erie Lodge #3 WM Eugene MiligiPhone: 330-502-6931 (ok to text)email: e_miligi@yahoo.com March has come and gone, and April is upon us bringing with it Holy Week. I must apologize for this article being late this month. It is purely my fault. We brought another friend, Gary, to Light this past month, as he was our candidate for Inspection and the Officers and Brethren did great at Inspection, That isn’t

OLD ERIE #3 – March 2019

Old Erie Lodge #3 WM Eugene MiligiPhone: 330-502-6931 (ok to text)email: e_miligi@yahoo.comStated Meetings: 1st and 3rd Tuesdays 7:30 pm As we sit back and get ready to close February and get ready to jump into March, I’d like to take a moment to recap our February events. We welcomed our friend, Mike, into the Freemason family and hope he finds great pleasure and enjoys his life-changing decision to become a