Old Erie Lodge #3
WM Eugene Miligi
Phone: 330-502-6931 (ok to text)
email: e_miligi@yahoo.com
Welcome back to Lodge, Brethren!
I hope everyone had an enjoyable Summer and I hope this newsletter finds you in good health and spirits.
I must begin by congratulating Brother Gary on being raised in June. We put on a fine MM Degree for him and I’m proud of the work that we did. Speaking of work, we do have to get one more FC degree before the end of the Term. I’m anticipating another EA in the first part of September and the FC late September/early October. This has been a busy year but, there is still much to do before November.
Over our Summer break, I did go to the 25th District’s Outdoor Raising at Cortland Lodge. As usual, the degree team was made up of members across the district with Old Erie being represented by SW Mike Weaver and myself. Not to give away too much of what might be coming in the future but, DDGM Keith Newton did tell us to expect another 1 Day Class in 2020 (on or around May 9) because, making Masons is the first item of our Charter (82 Lodges in Ohio have not done this in over 1 year). Also, part of our Charter is taking care of our Brethren, taking care of widows, and supporting The Grand Lodge. Living our Charter is going to be his primary focus during his term.
Did you know that you can go to your own Grand View page and update the information that Grand Lodge has on you? Dates, offices held, and membership in other Masonic bodies are just a few of the items that Grand View helps to track. Just go to www.glohio.com click on ‘Tools’ then select “Grand View”. This is a quick and easy way for you to ensure that Grand Lodge and Old Erie Lodge has the most accurate information about you – especially contact information like address, email, and phone number. Grand View also maintains information on our widows so, we need to do everything that we can to ensure their information is current, too. When you update your Grand View information, the Lodge Secretary receives an email notifying him that your information has been updated and he can then update the Lodge’s records.
Thank you to everyone that supported our 2nd Annual Steak Fry. Special Thanks to Brother Scott for helping me with all of it. It looks like we raised about $400.00 this year. Also, thanks to everyone that came out to our annual picnic.
At our picnic, and on behalf of all of the Officers and Brethren of the Lodge, I was able to formally present scholarship checks to the young adults that the Lodge selected receive them.

It is important that we gather our families
together for social events like these to strengthen the fraternal bond within
the Lodge, the appendant bodies, and even in our own house.
Remember our Stated Meetings on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month at 7:30 pm (except July and August) and Specials will be on the 2nd & 4th Tuesdays at 7:00 pm, when called by the Worshipful Master.
Remember to follow our Facebook Page as events and happenings get posted there as information becomes available.
Fraternally, Eugene Miligi, WM