Warren DeMolay
Master Counselor: David B
Chapter Adviser: Dad Eugene Miligi
Phone: 330-502-6931
email: warrendemolay@gmail.com
Well, Summer is over and what a busy Summer it was.
The Chapter attended Ohio DeMolay’s annual O.D.E.L. – the focus of which is educating the young men on how to be leaders in the Order of DeMolay and in their community and were asked back to post the Colors at a Akron Rubber Ducks baseball game.
Ali Babba Grotto invited us to participate in the Newton Falls Independence Day Parade and also, asked for our assistance with their booth at the Trumbull County Fair. Thanks to Monarch Lee Hanshaw and members of The Grotto for these opportunities!

We attended the 2nd District’s Awards Night where Brother Caleb received his Representative DeMolay award. Our very own Chapter Advisor, Dad Eugene Miligi, received the DeMolay Cross of Honor. Brother Jim was selected to be the Warren Chapter’s Representative to the 2nd District. Congratulations to all for their accomplishments!
Conclave was held in Columbus this year as part of DeMolay’s Centennial Celebration. We were able to send many of the young men this year, thanks to donations from the many Masonic bodies that we work with and our candy bar sales.

In August, we held our family picnic at “Lake Campbell” which is always a great time for everyone to relax after a busy summer and get ready for the fall.

Our members attended Progress Court Order of the Amaranth’s ‘Youth Night’ with members from Job’s Daughters and Rainbow Order for Girls. Thank you, Progress Court for this opportunity!

We finished the Summer with our annual campout at Argus Park (delayed slightly by a water line break in July). This year we were honored to have members and advisers from Templar Chapter joining us.

After years of discussions, we were finally able to utilize the outdoor facilities at Argus for the Initiation of a new member into our Chapter. Welcome Zayne, to Warren DeMolay!

One of the best things to come from this degree was the degree work was done by Warren and Templar Chapters exclusively! It was great to see the two Chapters working together.
So, going into September our busy schedule continues. We have Stated Meetings on both the 8th and 22nd at 3:00 pm. On the 14th we will be going to Cleveland to visit the USS Cod, a WW2 submarine that is on permanent display at the US Coast Guard station there. On the 21st we will be going to a 4H sponsored Sports Fest where the young men will be given opportunities to learn firearms safety and shoot rifles, handguns, and archery.
The Order of DeMolay is open to young men from 12 to 21 that are of good moral character and all of our events are open to parents, grandparents, Senior DeMolay and Master Masons in good standing. If you know a young man that would benefit from being a member in such an organization, contact one of the young men or any Advisor for more information.
Fraternally, Warren Chapter, Order of DeMolay