AASR Youngstown – October, 2019

AASR- Valley of Youngstown 211 East Market Street PO Box 1420 Warren, OH 44482-1420 Phone: 330-373-0890 Email: aasryooh@neohio.twcbc.com Web:  www.ValleyOfYoungstown.orgFacebook: wwwfacebook.com/ValleyOfYoungstown           WELCOME BACK – THE OCTOBER STATED MEETING will begin with dinner at 6:30 PM followed by the Stated Meeting at 7:30 p.m.  All Stated Meetings begin with a dinner at a cost of $7.00.  Income from the dinners will go to the Hospitaler’s Fund.  The program for this

Mahoning Chapter – October, 2019

Mahoning Chapter #10 RAM EHP:  William McCleary Phone: 330-883-4022 Secretary:  Perry E. Coxson, III, KYCH Phone: 330-646-3205Email: jeepheader@gmail.com We must revise our chapter dates.  Sorry for any confusion. 10/9 & 10/10 grand chapter 10/16 PM degree 4 candidates 7 pm 10/20 Re-Affirmation 3 pm potluck dinner with Jobs daughters 11/13 stated MEM practice following 11/20 MEM degree 11/23 Saturday 9 am RA degree, Argus park, Youngstown inspection 11/27 RA practice

Opal Chapter – October, 2019

Chapter was very pleased to have 36 Sisters and Brothers at our September 24th meeting when we initiated Eryn Lewis. We also enjoyed Sandee and David Hyde’s tasty meal and Eryn’s Welcome to Opal Cake. Our annual delightful HALLOWEEN PARTY will be THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17TH. TIME: 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm at the COUNTRY PORCH WINERY located at 2282 Rt. 305, Cortland. Please let DIANA MARTIN (330-326-2074) know by. October

Morning Light – October, 2019

Worthy Matron:  Michelle Martin Phone:  330-240-9707 E-mail:  mmartin33@neo.rr.com Secretary:  Ruth West Phone:  330-824-2603 E-mail:  ruthwest@embarqmail.com Greetings Sisters and Brothers, This is the final newsletter for the Worthy Patron and I.  It has been our honor and privilege to serve the members of Morning Light Chapter for the past two years.  We’ve had a lot of fun and will cherish the memories we had with all of you.  It is time

White Shrine – October, 2019

Trinity Shrine #42 OWSJ Worthy High Priestess: Debra Wolff Phone: (330) 330-626-3015 Email: debmwolff@aol.com Worthy Scribe: Roxanne York Phone: 330-240-5116 Email: Roxanne44@yahoo.com Meetings are 4th Monday of the month, except July & August Trinity Shrine is getting ready to get back into the swing of things.  Annual Dues will be due soon.  Please send your $15.52 to our Worthy Scribe at her new address 6355 ST RT 534 NW, West

West Farmington Rainbow – October, 2019

W. Farmington Assembly #116International Order of the Rainbow for GirlsStated Meetings 1st & 3rd Saturdays 10:00 am West Farmington Masonic Temple www.mastermason.com/WFarmington116 Mother Advisor: Roxanne E. York Phone (330) 240-5116 Email: Roxanne44@yahoo.com Worthy Advisor: Protem Please join all of the Assemblies in Northeast Ohio for our annual Grand Reception honoring our Grand Officers for the 2019-2020 Grand Assembly year.  Our own Miss Anna M. will be honored as Grand Recorder. 

Amaranth – October, 2019

Progress Court #22 Order of the Amaranth Stated Meetings 2nd Wednesday 7:30pm Liberty Masonic Complex www.mastermason.com/ProgressCourt22 Royal Matron: Joy Leavy (330) 554-4653Email: jleavy1795@icloud.com Royal Patron: James Lovelace (330) 330-388-7168 Email: james.lovelace@davey.com Secretary: Roxanne York (330) 240-5116 Roxanne44@yahoo.com Progress Court is gearing up for a fun-filled fall with many meetings and activities for you to attend.  We hope that you will participate in as much as you can and enjoy fellowship

Warren DeMolay – October, 2019

Warren DeMolay Counselor: David B Chapter Adviser: Dad Eugene Miligi Phone: 330-502-6931 email: warrendemolay@gmail.com www.warrendemolay.com Autumn is here and with it, the Summer Term is coming to an end. As regular readers know, we are a very active Chapter and September was no different.  We had our Stated meetings on the 2nd and 4th Sundays, as scheduled.  It was the first opportunity for our new Brother, Zayne, to participate and

Old Erie #3 – October, 2019

Old Erie Lodge #3 WM: Eugene MiligiPhone: 330-502-6931 (ok to text)email: e_miligi@yahoo.com Fraternal greetings, Brethren! This is the October issue of the Lodge newsletter which means I’m going into the last full month of my year in the East.  I’ll get sentimental in my next article. Our first meeting in October, The 1st of October, we will be conferring the FC Degree.  Since we do not have an actual candidate,