Mahoning Chapter #10 RAM
EHP:  William McCleary
Phone: 330-883-4022
Secretary:  Perry E. Coxson, III, KYCH
Phone: 330-646-3205

We must revise our chapter dates.  Sorry for any confusion.
10/9 & 10/10 grand chapter
10/16 PM degree 4 candidates 7 pm
10/20 Re-Affirmation 3 pm potluck dinner with Jobs daughters
11/13 stated MEM practice following
11/20 MEM degree
11/23 Saturday 9 am RA degree, Argus park, Youngstown inspection
11/27 RA practice 7 pm
12/4 RA degree
12/7 Royal arch school at Salem, 9 am breakfast  

This is hopefully the only revision we will need.  Please do your best to attend.  This all leads to our inspection in January 22.
Fraternally yours EHP