Greetings Companions!We are quickly approaching the end of my year as EHP.  I thank all of you for the support you have given me and know that you will show the same for EHP-elect Companion Tom Weller and the rest of the 23-24 officers. Reminder that an Open Installation of Officers will be held on June 14th at 7:00 PM.  This will be a dual Installation of Officers for both


Greetings Companions,A quick update of what is going on at Chapter:April 19 7:00 PM: Read-through of PM & MM degrees. Casual dress.May 10 7:00 PM: Stated Meeting & election of officers for next term.May 17 7:00 PM: Read-through of RA DegreeMay 20 4:30 PM: GHP Reception at Youngstown Shrine Club. $25.00 per person. RSVP through me.June 14 7:00 PM: DUAL Installation of Officers for both Chapter & Council.July 15 5:00

Mahoning Chapter RAM#10 – March 2023

Greetings, Companions!There is not much to review this month so, I’ll get to it right away. Our Annual Inspection, in MEM, is March 1 at 7:00 pm. Our next Regular Stated Meeting will be March 8 at 7:00 pm. Also, Awards Night is March 15th at 7:00 pm. Another key date with another Warren York Rite body is Warren Commandry #39 with Inspection on March 18th. Thank you for your

Mahoning Chapter #10 RAM – Notice

Greetings Companions. With impending storm that has the potential of blessing us with 4 – 5 inches of snow or more on Wednesday, we are postponing our awards night until March.  As much as we regret delaying honoring our members, we feel this is in the best interest of all. Please pass the word around. We’ll see everyone for our next stated meeting on February 8th at 7:00 PM. Thank

Mahoning Chapter #10 RAM – January 2023

Mahoning Chapter #10 RAM January ArticleGreetings!I hope that everyone had a great Christmas and safe New Year and that the illnesses of 2022 are far behind us as we return to labor. On January 18 we will practice the Most Excellent Master degree for our March 1 Inspection.  Currently, I have many of the roles open.  I’d like to get assignments nailed down after our next stated meeting on the

Mahoning Chapter – November, 2022

Greetings Companions,October is quickly coming to a close and I wanted to give a quick update to the happenings with Mahoning Chapter and around the 19th District. Grand Chapter was held October 5th & 6th. MEC Ronald C. Hart, Sr. was elected and installed as Grand High Priest.  Zel Bush was elected and installed as Grand Royal Arch Captain.  We congratulate him, and all of the Grand Officers, on their

MAHONING CHAPTER #10 – October, 2022

Greetings Companions,The nights are getting cooler, and leaves are changing colors.  Masons all over the state are resuming their labor. We held our Stated Meeting Wednesday, September 14th and I wanted to pass on a few notes from the meeting to give everyone a written copy of what we reviewed. Grand Chapter is October 5 & 6 at the Crown Plaza North in Columbus.  The Order of the Priesthood is

Mahoning Chapter #10 – RAM – September Update

Greetings Companions, The nights are getting cooler and leaves are changing colors. Masons all over the state are resuming their labor. We held our Stated Meeting Wednesday, September 14th and I wanted to pass on a few notes from the meeting to give everyone a written copy of what we reviewed. Grand Chapter is October 5 & 6 at the Crown Plaza North in Cloumbus. The Order of the Priesthood

Mahoning Chapter #10 Summer Update

Greetings Companions! Hopefully this gets to everyone that needs to be getting it. If you know of anyone that is not, please forward their email address along (reply) and we’ll get them added. First off, a sincere thank you to all that are serving and supporting the 2022-2023 Officers. We truly appreciate you. Next, as promised, the dates for the Summer events that I quickly reviewed. July 16th 5:00-7:00 is