Greetings Companions!
We are quickly approaching the end of my year as EHP.  I thank all of you for the support you have given me and know that you will show the same for EHP-elect Companion Tom Weller and the rest of the 23-24 officers.

Reminder that an Open Installation of Officers will be held on June 14th at 7:00 PM.  This will be a dual Installation of Officers for both Mahoning Chapter and Warren Council #58.  Come show your support for all of the officers.

I have tickets for the 19th District Steak Fry on July 22nd at Argus Park.  Tickets are $15 per person.

Also, the annual York Rite picnic will be on July 16th beginning at 2:00 PM at EC Rick Antil’s house.

Of important note is the 200th celebration for our chapter on March 16th, 2024!  This is a major milestone, and we will need the support of all members.

I hope to see you at these fun events, and I thank you, again, for another successful year for Mahoning Chapter #10.
EHP Eugene Miligi