Opal Chapter
WM:  Brenda Claypool
Phone:  330-652-1675
Secretary:  Carla Kahler
Phone:  330-856-2356
Stated Meetings: 2
nd and 4th Tuesday of the Month
Cortland Masonic Lodge )

A picture-perfect day enhanced Ken and Carla Kahler’s Annual Opal Picnic at the Cortland Conservation Club on Mosquito Lake.  Brothers and Sisters from Morning Light and Sunrise joined us in the wonderful food, many clever Hawaiian games, prizes, decorations, and leis which were provided by Diana Martin.  Diana’s grandson, Isaiah and granddaughter, Diana were big helpers.  We all left with full tummies and looking forward to next year’s picnic.

Opal Chapter enriched by the merger of Hartford Chapter is returning to active duty on September 10th.  We will meet at 6:30 pm for a delicious dinner followed by an enactment of Initiation followed by another Initiation on September 24th to fulfill our obligation to Grand Chapter.

Our Installation has not yet been set.  But our annual delightful Halloween Party will be Thursday, October 17th . Time-6:00-8:00 pm at the Country Porch Winery located at 2282 Rt. 305, Cortland.  Please let Diana Martin (330-326-2074) know by October 14th if you can attend.  Cost per person is $8.00 for snacks and $4.00 for wine tasting.  Your choice of costume or streetwear is yours.

With a reminder-ANNUAL DUES of $20.00 are due by OCTOBER 8TH.

Looking forward to seeing you in Chapter which has a beautiful new look with the addition of Hartford’s paraphernalia.

Star love, Carla