DeMolay – April, 2019

Warren DeMolay Master Counselor: David BChapter Adviser: Dad Eugene Miligi Phone: 330-502-6931 email: Happy 100th Anniversary DeMolay! This month, DeMolays around the world have been celebrating the 100th Anniversary of this outstanding organization for young men and it is an exciting time to be involved. Most of this past month we have been traveling to Cleveland to play basketball with Brothers from the other Chapters in the 2nd

Warren Council #58 – April 2019

WARREN COUNCIL No. 58Royal and Select MasonsIllustrious Master: Raymond F. BishopPhone: 330-502-4780E-mail: csm134fa@gmail.comRecorder: Perry E. Coxson III, KYCHPhone: 330-646-3205E-mail: Companions, The clocks have moved forward, and spring has sprung. We are just weeks away from our Annual Inspection which will be conducted at the Warren Temple on April 13, 2019.  This will consist of Warren Council conferring the Royal Master Degree followed by Beuchner Council conferring the Select Master

Ali Baba Grotto – April 2019

Greeting Fellow Prophets, Spring is on its way, Hope everyone had a safe break.  Our 1st stated meeting back will be April 19th; I want to welcome our new candidates, we brought in 7 new members.   We performed a short form ceremonial on 2 new prophets on March 15th as well as traveled to Pittsburgh Saturday March 16th with 3 candidates for a ceremonial.  We still have 2 candidates we

Crescent Chapter #7 – April 2019

WM: Nancy Ann StaffeldPhone: 330.842.1854WP: Frank SchenckPhone: 330.995.6826E-Mail: fschenck@gmail.comSecretary: Marsha LoomisPhone: 330-527-2678E-mail: marsha.loomis@gmail.comMeetings are Second (stated) and Fourth (special) Mondays of each month. By the time this reaches everyone our Inspection will be over and our “Eating Out Bunch” will have celebrated at Jake’s Restaurant in Mantua.  At the time I am writing this the reservation is set for Tuesday, April 9, 2019 at 6:00 pm.  Whenever we gather in

Amaranth – April 2019

Progress Court #22 Order of the Amaranth Stated Meetings 2nd Wednesday 7:30 pm Liberty Masonic Complex Royal Matron: BethAnn McCracken Griffin (724) 347-2666 Royal Patron: Chris Zimmerman (330) 847-2284 Secretary: Roxanne York (330) 240-5116 Our Court was saddened by the loss of S.K. Patrick C. Pinney & PGRM, Patricia Boyer. They will always remain Sweet in our Memory.  Congratulations to the newly elected and installed officers! 

W Farmington Rainbow- April 2019

W. Farmington Assembly #116 International Order of the Rainbow for Girls Stated Meetings 1st & 3rd Saturdays 10:00 am West Farmington Masonic Temple Mother Advisor: Roxanne E. York (330) 240-5116 Worthy Advisor: Miss Anna M Congratulations to all of our Tri-Youth Participants.  In April, the Assembly will be hosting a painting party at Paint & Pints Studio in Warren on April 20th from 6-9 pm. Tickets are $20

Trinity White Shrine – April 2019

Trinity Shrine #42 OWSJ Worthy High Priestess: Doris Zimmerman Phone: (330) 847-2284 Email: Worthy Scribe: Roxanne York Phone: 330-240-5116 Email: Meetings are 4th Monday of the month, except July & August You are cordially invited to attend our open installation of officers on Saturday April 13, 2019 at 7:30 pm at the Warren Masonic Temple.  Worthy High Priestess – elect, Debra Wolff & Watchman of Shepherds – elect,

Opal Chapter – April 2019

WM:  Brenda ClaypoolPhone:  330-652-1675E-mail:  Brendalee135@aol.comSecretary:  Carla KahlerPhone:  330-856-2356E-mail: Opal’s news for April On March 16th, Thompson Heating saved the day for Opal’s Annual Spaghetti Dinner fundraiser when they provided a rare regulator that enabled us to start heating the building and cooking at the last minute-2:00 pm. We are pleased to report our usual delicious dinner for 88 guests and 48 carryouts was successful socially and financially. Our gratitude

Bethel #49 – April 2019

Honored Queen: Jacquelyn M.Bethel Guardian:  Angela MaselliPhone: 330-612-3092 Associate Bethel Guardian: Perry Billman PWMPhone: 330-861-4042E-mail: Greetings Masonic Family and Friends!Have you seen us lately?  You haven’t?!  Then you have missed some fun and excitement!  On March 9th, 2019 at our annual Tri-Youth event we initiated another member into our Bethel!  Congratulations Anna M. and welcome to our happy group!  Afraid you missed out on the fun that day?  It’s

AASR -Valley of Youngstown- April 2019

THE APRIL STATED MEETING will be our Annual Election of Officers.  Come out and support your officers. THE HOSPITALER’S REQUEST for help to build up the Hospitaler Fund has seen an increase in donations to this important area of our Valley.  If you have not yet sent in a donation please give it some serious thought.  All of these funds stay in our Valley and are used to help our