President: Becky Coxson
Phone: 330.464.3232
Recorder:  Pamela Edmiston
Phone:  330.367.7615

Hello Ladies,
I hope everyone had a wonderful summer.

Our September 13 meeting will be practice for our official visit.   We will begin practice at 7 pm.   If anyone can pro-tem 1st Vice President,  Marshall or Color Bearer please contact me as soon as possible.

We will also honor past presidents on September 13.   I would like to invite all past presidents to attend the meeting.

Our official visit is October 4 which is the first Friday of October.   This also be our only meeting in October.    We will have a covered dish dinner at 6 pm with our Sir Knights followed by meeting.

Sisters,   our assembly is in trouble.   We are down to 49 members.   There are not enough that attend to fill all of our offices.    Please let me know your thoughts regarding the future of our assembly.

Hope to see you on the 13th.