Warren Trestleboard

Amaranth – October, 2019

Progress Court #22 Order of the Amaranth Stated Meetings 2nd Wednesday 7:30pm Liberty Masonic Complex www.mastermason.com/ProgressCourt22 Royal Matron: Joy Leavy (330) 554-4653Email: jleavy1795@icloud.com Royal Patron: James Lovelace (330) 330-388-7168 Email: james.lovelace@davey.com Secretary: Roxanne York (330) 240-5116 Roxanne44@yahoo.com Progress Court is gearing up for a fun-filled fall with many meetings and activities for you to attend.  We hope that you will participate in as much as you can and enjoy fellowship

Warren DeMolay – October, 2019

Warren DeMolay Counselor: David B Chapter Adviser: Dad Eugene Miligi Phone: 330-502-6931 email: warrendemolay@gmail.com www.warrendemolay.com Autumn is here and with it, the Summer Term is coming to an end. As regular readers know, we are a very active Chapter and September was no different.  We had our Stated meetings on the 2nd and 4th Sundays, as scheduled.  It was the first opportunity for our new Brother, Zayne, to participate and

Old Erie #3 – October, 2019

Old Erie Lodge #3 WM: Eugene MiligiPhone: 330-502-6931 (ok to text)email: e_miligi@yahoo.com Fraternal greetings, Brethren! This is the October issue of the Lodge newsletter which means I’m going into the last full month of my year in the East.  I’ll get sentimental in my next article. Our first meeting in October, The 1st of October, we will be conferring the FC Degree.  Since we do not have an actual candidate,

Bethel #49 – October 2019

Greetings Masonic Family and Friends! Well…here we are again!  Fall is upon us, which means it’s time for another season of change!  Bethel #49 of Warren has switched gears from the hot summer months of promotions, fund raising, and training to the calm, cool, and collected travel season of Official Visitation! May we be the first to invite you to come and enjoy some of the fruits of our labors

Mahoning Chapter – September, 2019

Mahoning ChapterWilliam McClearyPhone: 330.883.4022Email:  will.mccleary@gmail.com Greetings Companions,Upcoming September events: 9/11-stated meeting full form opening, candidate update9/21 Trivia night at Youngstown chapter ( Argus facility )9/25 MM degree / PM degree to be determined at 9/11 meeting. You will receive your trifold card at the 9/11 meeting. Remember if it’s  Wednesday – its chapter night. 

Warren Assembly SOOB – September, 2019

President: Becky Coxson Phone: 330.464.3232 Email: bec279@gmail.com Recorder:  Pamela Edmiston Phone:  330.367.7615 Email: pedmiston1@gmail.com Hello Ladies, I hope everyone had a wonderful summer. Our September 13 meeting will be practice for our official visit.   We will begin practice at 7 pm.   If anyone can pro-tem 1st Vice President,  Marshall or Color Bearer please contact me as soon as possible. We will also honor past presidents on September 13.   I would

Thank You from Temple Board

Thanks to all who helped on the work crew this summer!  In a couple of hours, we completed our mission. Great job everyone. The young men from DeMolay were a big help with lifting and carrying.  We enjoyed fellowship and donuts afterwards. It was a good morning. Thank you all from the Temple Board.

Warren DeMolay – September, 2019

Warren DeMolay Master Counselor: David B Chapter Adviser: Dad Eugene Miligi Phone: 330-502-6931 email: warrendemolay@gmail.com www.warrendemolay.com Well, Summer is over and what a busy Summer it was. The Chapter attended Ohio DeMolay’s annual O.D.E.L. – the focus of which is educating the young men on how to be leaders in the Order of DeMolay and in their community and were asked back to post the Colors at a Akron Rubber

Old Erie – September, 2019

Old Erie Lodge #3 WM Eugene MiligiPhone: 330-502-6931 (ok to text)email: e_miligi@yahoo.com Welcome back to Lodge, Brethren! I hope everyone had an enjoyable Summer and I hope this newsletter finds you in good health and spirits. I must begin by congratulating Brother Gary on being raised in June.  We put on a fine MM Degree for him and I’m proud of the work that we did.  Speaking of work, we