Mahoning Chapter #10 RAM – Notice

Greetings Companions. With impending storm that has the potential of blessing us with 4 – 5 inches of snow or more on Wednesday, we are postponing our awards night until March.  As much as we regret delaying honoring our members, we feel this is in the best interest of all. Please pass the word around. We’ll see everyone for our next stated meeting on February 8th at 7:00 PM. Thank

OLD ERIE #3 – Christmas Party and Other Updates

Greetings and Salutations my brethren during this holiday season. Many things have come and gone, and my hopes to keep everyone informed fell by the wayside as I continued to get busier and busier. So some Lodge updates since the summer. We raised a new Master Mason in the fall, so congratulations to Brother Jeff Hoover. We’ve also just recently initiated and passed a new brother, and from my understanding

Mahoning Chapter #10 – RAM – September Update

Greetings Companions, The nights are getting cooler and leaves are changing colors. Masons all over the state are resuming their labor. We held our Stated Meeting Wednesday, September 14th and I wanted to pass on a few notes from the meeting to give everyone a written copy of what we reviewed. Grand Chapter is October 5 & 6 at the Crown Plaza North in Cloumbus. The Order of the Priesthood

Mahoning Chapter #10 Summer Update

Greetings Companions! Hopefully this gets to everyone that needs to be getting it. If you know of anyone that is not, please forward their email address along (reply) and we’ll get them added. First off, a sincere thank you to all that are serving and supporting the 2022-2023 Officers. We truly appreciate you. Next, as promised, the dates for the Summer events that I quickly reviewed. July 16th 5:00-7:00 is

Old Erie Lodge #003 – Inspection Update

Greetings Brethren – Just a quick announcement regarding our Inspection Dinner. Dinner will be at 6pm, and will consist of Pot Roast as the main dish; Potatoes, Carrots and Onions as side dish #1, Coleslaw as side dish #2, and some kind of dessert (undecided, but probably pie/cake variants). The price will be $15 per each reservation. Officers participating in the Inspection work will have their meal covered by Old

Warren Council #58 – February Update

This is a notice to all members of council that at our February 23rd Stated Meeting, we will be voting on the motion (which had been carried over from our January Meeting) to change our meeting night from the 4th Wednesday of every month to the 2nd Wednesday of every month. On top of this – should this be successful, Mahoning Chapter has agreed to change their by-laws to change

Old Erie Lodge Monthly Update – Feb 2022

Greetings Brethren! I hope this message finds you staying warm and healthy! I wanted to take a moment and give you some updates to what is happening at your lodge in the coming months. Stated Meetings / Practices – You are always welcome to attend any of our meetings and/or practices, and if you need transportation, please contact one of your officers, who will gladly either give you a ride,

Old Erie Lodge – December 2021 (2nd Post)

Holiday Greetings, My Brethren – I hope this reading finds you in good health and good spirits, and that your upcoming (or recently past, depending on when you read this) holiday season is thoroughly enjoyable for you! We recently celebrated our Awards Night, and I want to take a moment to congratulation all of our honorees: Celebrating their 25th Year as Masons: William Catlin * Douglas JohnsonCelebrating their 30th Year