Greetings and Salutations my brethren during this holiday season.

Many things have come and gone, and my hopes to keep everyone informed fell by the wayside as I continued to get busier and busier. So some Lodge updates since the summer.

We raised a new Master Mason in the fall, so congratulations to Brother Jeff Hoover. We’ve also just recently initiated and passed a new brother, and from my understanding we have several new petitions coming down the pike over the next few months.

I was elected to remain in the East for another year as our line gets more established. WB Gene Miligi agreed to sit in the West for me, and Brothers Dave Gorsuch, Murod Shurrab, and Troy Magrini have agreed to sit in the Jr Warden and Deacons chairs, respectively, and move through the line accordingly. Brother Victor Gore has stayed as Senior Steward, and Worshipful Brothers Allen Briggs and Tom Weller have agreed to stay in as Secretary and Treasurer of the Lodge. WB Mike Weaver is our Tyler, and WB Jon Van Meter is our Marshall.

Some upcoming events are our Christmas Party on December 10th from 3-5pm. We ask that you bring a side dish or dessert, but we will be covering the Ham. Our Awards night will be December 13th at 7pm. We will be serving refreshments after that. And our last meeting of the month with be on December 20th. We will be having Dinner that evening (6:30pm) prior to Lodge where we ask for a $5 donation.

I hope each of you has a wonderful holiday season, keeping yourself and your spirits warm! And I look forward to seeing you in Lodge, as your schedule and life allow!

With Warm Fraternal Greetings and Holiday Wishes
Christopher Kiraly, WM