Warren Trestleboard

Morning Light – February 2019

Greetings Sisters and Brothers,     February has arrived and there’s no time to spare because love is in the air! The Worthy Patron and I hope everyone can join us at Cafe 422 at 6 p.m. for our Sweetheart Dinner. Please RSVP to Ruth West or myself no later than February 8th. Also, please be careful in this weather with all the snow and ice. Bundle up and stay

Opal #181 – January 2019

WM:  Brenda ClaypoolPhone:  330-652-1675E-mail:  Brendalee135@aol.comSecretary:  Carla KahlerPhone:  330-856-2356E-mail:  gonetochapter@embarqmail.com Already we are asking you to be our SPECIAL VALENTINES and planning our March 16th Annual Spaghetti Dinner fundraiser.  We will be serving from 4:00 p.m. to 6:30 pm.  Carry outs will be available. Cindy Chadwell, Associate Grand Conductress, will be inspecting Opal on March 26th, 7:30 p.m.  We would love to have you there to share a pleasant evening with

Warren Council#58 – January, 2019

Companions,Welcome to the first edition of the electronic newsletter for Warren Council of Royal and Select Masters.  I know that it has been a difficult period without a newsletter article for the past few months, but I feel assured that this new approach of sharing information via the world wide web was long overdue.  For those with a home computer and a little computer savvy this new delivery method will

W. Farmington Assembly #116, January 2019

West Farmington Rainbow Girls Greetings,W. Farmington #116 Rainbow Girls had a very busy holiday season filled with a scavenger hunt at the mall, singing Christmas carols at the Lodge Family Christmas party, ringing the bell for the Salvation Army, serving a spaghetti dinner, and visiting the Painesville and Earl S. Hollen Assemblies.  We welcomed two new members, Heather &Lillian.  We are looking forward to an exciting and fun-filled Spring 2019

Copper Penny

WM: Brian Muresan, Phone: 330-442-1477, E-mail: Bmuresan91011@gmail.com Secretary: WB Bill Sayler, Phone: 330-360-1666, Greetings from Copper Penny Lodge 778, As annual inspection is upon us, we would like to announce our date set for Thursday February 9, 2019, which will be in the E.A degree.  We will serve lunch at 12 p.m. and inspection begins at 1 p.m.  For lunch, we will be providing cornbread, turkey chili, and venison chili. 

Warren DeMolay – January 2019

Welcome to the first on-line article from Warren DeMolay!  We are very excited about going to this new digital format because we will be able post articles all year around, add pictures, audio, and video directly into our articles!  We are truly moving into the 21st Century. So, welcome to 2019!  January has been quite busy for us with two of our young men competing in the 2nd District Ritual

Trinity White Shrine-January 2019

Trinity Shrine #42 OWSJ Worthy High Priestess: Doris Zimmerman Phone: (330) 847-2284 Email: zimdoris@aol.com Worthy Scribe: Roxanne York Phone: 330-240-5116 Email: Roxanne44@yahoo.com Meetings are 4th Monday of the month, except July & August At our December meeting we were pleased to present the Continuing Service Award to Past Watchman of Shepherds, Christopher Zimmerman and the Miriam Award to Sojourner, Kenneth Kahler at our covered dish Christmas party.  Congratulations to these

AASR-Valley of Youngstown- January 2019

            THE FEBRUARY STATED MEETING speaker will be discussing CCW licensing as well as Ohio’s Castle Law.  He will also have a question and answer period.  If you are interested in these programs or have questions concerning them this is the night to attend. 2018 REUNION PLANNING MEETING will be held on Sunday, February 7, 2019 at 2:00 p.m. at the Warren Temple.  All officers, Degree Directors for this reunion,

Bethel #49 – January 2019

Greetings Masonic Family and Friends! We hope everyone is keeping warm on these cold winter days (that appear to be peppered with the occasional spring-like temperatures!) and that you are enjoying the warmth and friendship of your Masonic family members!  Speaking of, we were glad to see so many of you at our Installation on January 6th, 2019!  It meant a lot to the Daughters to have you in attendance

Old Erie Lodge #3 – January 2019

email: e_miligi@yahoo.com Old Erie Lodge #3 Welcome to the first on-line article for the Warren Trestleboard!  I am very excited about moving to this new format because we will now be able to post articles all year (should the need arise) and we will be able to include pictures, audio, and video files directly in the articles!  Welcome to the 21st Century, Brothers! I would like to thank all of