Opal Chapter – February, 2020

Opal Chapter WM:  Shawn Woods Phone:  330-544-0855 E-mail:  sisw55@zoominternet.net Secretary:  Carla Kahler Phone:  330-856-2356 E-mail:  gonetochapter@embarqmail.com Stated Meetings: 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the Month Opal February news Diana Martin and Ruth Tomlinson are planning a sweetheart dinner to proceed our meeting on February 11.  Bring  Valentines, wear RED  and  join in the traditional fun of Valentine’s Day.  Ken and Carla Kahler are preparing a traditional Mardi Gras feast for

AASR – Valley of Youngstown – February, 2020

AASR – Valley of Youngstown           THE FEBRUARY STATED MEETING speaker will be a display and explanation of WWI uniforms and equipment by our Thrice Potent Master S.P. Raymond F. Bishop, MSA. PRESIDENT’S DAY , Monday, February 17, 2020 we will have a Degree Conferral night with DVD presentations of degrees that will not be in the reunion.  Plan on witnessing the 12o, 19o, 24o, and 31o.  If we have

Amaranth – February, 2020

Progress Court #22 Order of the Amaranth Stated Meetings 2nd Wednesday 7:30 pm Liberty Masonic Complex www.mastermason.com/ProgressCourt22 Royal Matron: Joy Leavy (330) 554-4653 jleavy1795@icloud.com Royal Patron: James Lovelace (330) 330-388-7168 james.lovelace@davey.com Secretary: Roxanne York (330) 240-5116 Roxanne44@yahoo.com Thank you to everyone who attended our soup/sandwich luncheon & family game night.  I think everyone had a great time!  And we made $125 to donate to the Grand Court Youth Scholarship Fund. 

DeMolay – January 2020

Warren DeMolay Master Counselor: Caleb M Chapter Adviser: Dad Gerald Martin Phone: 330-978-6757 email: warrendemolay@gmail.com www.warrendemolay.com This article is a little overdue but, for good reason.  We would like to announce that Dad Parker has stepped down from his position at Warren DeMolay and has taken the same position with Canfield’s Templar Chapter. Taking over the role of Chairman of the Advisory Council will be Dad Eugene Miligi.  Dad Miligi

Mahoning Chapter – Updated Information – January 11, 2020

Mahoning Chapter #10 RAM EHP:  William McCleary Phone: 330-883-4022 Email: Secretary:  Perry E. Coxson, III, KYCH Phone: 330-646-3205 Email: jeepheader@gmail.com Hello, stuck out my neck out just a little. I need reservations for our 6 pm dinner the night of inspection! It’s a free dinner, looking for donations to Adapt America instead. Please help by emailing the number of companions you hope to bring. Thanks to everyone for all you do.

Morning Light #80, OES – January, 2020

Morning Light #80 Worthy Matron: Heather WingfieldPhone: 330-219-163Secretary: Ruth WestPhone: 330-824-2603E-mail: ruthwest020@gmail.comMeetings: 1st Monday(Stated) at 7:30 pm, 3rd Monday(Special) of Month, except July and AugustWarren Masonic Temple112 Pine Ave. NEWarren, Ohio 44481-1232 Happy New Year everyone!!  Welcome to the Roaring 20’s Part 2!! Our first monthly activity is our District Meeting on Saturday, January 4th at the Cuyahoga Falls Masonic Temple.  The meeting is jointly hosted by Falls and Ravenna

AASR – Valley of Youngstown – January, 2020

          THE JANUARY STATED MEETING program will feature Senator Michael Rulli who represents the 33rd State Senate District.  Senator Rulli will share insights about his historic victory this past November and how the Mahoning Valley is earning new respect from the folks in Columbus.  It promises to be a very interesting presentation.  Don’t forget dinner at 6:30 pm at a cost of $7.00. DUES STATEMENTS FOR 2020 have been mailed. 

Opal Chapter OES – January, 2020

Opal Chapter WM:  Shawn Woods Phone:  330-544-0855 E-mail:  sisw55@zoominternet.net Secretary:  Carla Kahler Phone:  330-856-2356 E-mail:  gonetochapter@embarqmail.com Stated Meetings: 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the Month Our delicious potluck dinner and full of laughs gift exchange game were a delightful opening of the joyous Christmas season.  Chapter was saddened by the death of 66-year member, Carol Glunt and 69-year member and Past Matron Marjorie Guthrie. We are looking forward to an

Mahoning Chapter #10 – January, 2020

Mahoning Chapter #10 RAM EHP:  William McCleary Phone: 330-883-4022 Secretary:  Perry E. Coxson, III, KYCH Phone: 330-646-3205Email: jeepheader@gmail.com Happy New Year and a prosperous 2020 to everyone.  January brings three important dates for Mahoning Chapter #10.  The 8th is our stated MTG, the 15th is our last RA practice, and the 22nd is our inspection in the Royal Arch degree.  Please try to attend the 6 pm dinner which is