Mahoning Chapter #10 RAM
EHP:  William McCleary
Phone: 330-883-4022
Secretary:  Perry E. Coxson, III, KYCH
Phone: 330-646-3205

Well, hope everyone is safe and observing safe distancing as well.  Went into Menard’s yesterday – if you not wearing a mask you have to buy one for a dollar.  Children under a certain age are not allowed.  Of course, this could change by May 5th but that’s not for sure. 

Haven’t heard any news from Columbus or Worthington yet about social gatherings.  If we have a meeting in June, I’ll let you know as soon as I know.  I’ll get a phone call out to all if anything changes.  I was going to Zoom everyone together but didn’t know what to talk about.  Will keep in touch
W.E. McCleary