W.Farmington Rainbow – September, 2019

W. Farmington Assembly #116 International Order of the Rainbow for Girls Stated Meetings 1st & 3rd Saturdays 10:00 am West Farmington Masonic Temple www.mastermason.com/WFarmington116 Mother Advisor: Roxanne E. York Phone: (330) 240-5116 Email: Roxanne44@yahoo.com Worthy Advisor: Miss Anna M W. Farmington Assembly is continuing its mission of fun, leadership, and service.  Congratulations to Miss Anna M. who was appointed Grand Recorder for the 2019-2020 year.  Also, to Miss Shalya M.

White Shrine – September, 2019

Trinity Shrine #42 OWSJ Worthy High Priestess: Debra Wolff Phone: (330) 330-626-3015 Email: debmwolff@aol.com Worthy Scribe: Roxanne York Phone: 330-240-5116 Email: Roxanne44@yahoo.com Meetings are 4th Monday of the month, except July & August Trinity Shrine had a very busy summer this year.  We joined forces with Ruth Shrine at their annual picnic and held a practice for a joint Ceremonial.  We are happy to welcome our newest member, Louise Jerina.

Amaranth – September, 2019

Progress Court #22 Order of the Amaranth Stated Meetings 2nd Wednesday 7:30 pm Liberty Masonic Complex www.mastermason.com/ProgressCourt22 Royal Matron: Joy Leavy Phone: (330) 554-4653 Email: jleavy1795@icloud.com Royal Patron: James Lovelace Phone: (330) 330-388-7168 Email: james.lovelace@davey.com Secretary: Roxanne York Phone: (330) 240-5116 Email: Roxanne44@yahoo.com Progress Court is gearing up for a fun-filled fall with many meetings and activities for you to attend.  We hope that you will participate in as much

Morning Light – September 2019

Worthy Matron: Michelle MartinPhone: 330-240-9707E-mail: mmartin33@neo.rr.comSecretary: Ruth WestPhone: 330-824-2603E-mail: ruthwest@embarqmail.com Greetings Sisters and Brothers,With Labor Day just around the corner, it is fitting because once again it’s time to resume our labors and fulfill our duties by coming together to open our Chapter.  The Worthy Patron and I hope you all had a fun filled and wonderful summer, because we have. Our next meeting will be on September 16th.  We

AASR – Valley of Youngstown, September 2019

AASR- Valley of Youngstown 211 East Market Street PO Box 1420 Warren, OH 44482-1420 Phone: 330-373-0890 Email: aasryooh@neohio.twcbc.com Web:  www.ValleyOfYoungstown.org Facebook: wwwfacebook.com/ValleyOfYoungstown OFFICERS:  Don’t forget there will be an officer’s meeting on Thursday, September 5th.  Dinner and the meeting will begin at 6:30 pm.  ALL OFFICERS are expected to be at the officer’s meeting.  This meeting will be held at the Warren Masonic Temple in the dining room.  Casual. OUR

Bethel #49 – September, 2019

Bethel #49Honored Queen: Jacquelyn M. Bethel Guardian:  Angela Maselli Phone: 330-612-3092 Associate Bethel Guardian: Perry Billman PWM Phone: 330-861-4042 E-mail: plbillman@gmail.com Greetings Masonic Family and Friends!Well, how did your summer go?  Hot?!  Yeah, we believe it!  Hopefully you were able to renew old friendships and make lasting ones during the “Masonic Picnic Season”!  We know you’ve missed hearing about our Warren Job’s Daughters, so we’ll just give you the quick

Bethel #49 – July, 2019

Bethel #49 Honored Queen: Jacquelyn M. Bethel Guardian:  Angela Maselli Phone: 330-612-3092 Associate Bethel Guardian: Perry Billman PWM Phone: 330-861-4042 E-mail: plbillman@gmail.com Greetings Masonic Family and Friends! Did you know that from June 1 – December 31 there are many patriotic themed days or National Days of Recognition? You didn’t?! Then, read on! Flag Day (June 14), Independence Day (July4th), Patriot Day (September 11), Constitution Day (September 17), Columbus Day

Warren Council – June 2019

WARREN COUNCIL No. 58 Royal and Select Masons Illustrious Master: Raymond F. Bishop Phone: 330-502-4780 E-mail: csm134fa@gmail.com Recorder: Perry E. Coxson III, KYCH Phone: 330-646-3205 E-mail: jeepheader@gmail.com Companions, The Cryptic Year for Warren Council is coming to a close and our June Assembly will be my last as Illustrious Master.  I want to thank all the Companions for an outstanding year and a very successful year.  Everyone did a vast