Progress Court #22 Order of the Amaranth
Stated Meetings 2nd Thursday 7:30 pm Liberty Masonic Complex
Royal Matron: BethAnn McCracken Griffin (724) 699-9897
Royal Patron: Jack Ranck (330) 766-9080
Secretary: Roxanne York (330) 240-5116
Congratulations to all of the newly elected, appointed and installed officers of Progress Court #22! Under the direction of HL BethAnn & SK Jack we will be sharing HUGS. Our colors are light blue & gold; our symbols are the teddy bear and honey pot, and scripture is Ephesians 4:16. We look forward to a fun and successful year! Our ways & means committee is coming up with some great ideas for this year. Our first project will be hanging flower baskets with delivery just in time for Mother’s Day! Pre-order your 10” basket for only $23 with any officer today!
Upcoming Events:
4/1 – Zane Court Installation 3:30 pm Zanesville
4/13 – Stated Meeting 7:30 pm Hanging basket orders & $ due
4/17 – Akron Installation 7:30 pm Old Portage MT
4/21 – Temple Installation 7:30 pm N. Olmsted
4/29 – Strauss Memorial Installation 2 pm Painesville
4/29 – Imperial Installation 2 pm Middletown

New Amaranth Officers