WM,  Merry Beth Vargo, 330-559-4815 ,
Worthy Patron, Alan Burton, 330-898-5018,
Secretary, Janet Baumann, 234-421-5931,

This newsletter covers our June and July issues.

Our May stated meeting was our Annual Inspection.  We would like to thank everyone who helped make it a very special event for our Chapter.

Our June stated meeting was the Chapter’s Annual Meeting which included Annual Reports & Election of Officers.  We welcomed our new Dual Member Rachel Ann Tupper, a member of Opal Chapter.  

Members on the current sick list include Joe and Mary Tufaro, and George McClelland.  Our member Donna McWilliams moved recently to Shepherd of the Valley-Liberty and has now suffered there from a fall  requiring surgery.  Her daughter, Jane Thompson, in New York City has some major health problems, also requiring surgery  They need our prayers.  Belated sympathy of the Chapter is extended to Nick Yurchyk on the death of his sister and to the family of our deceased member, Lorna Williams.  Congratulations to Joy Leavy who was recently installed as Grand Royal Matron in the Order of Amaranth, and to Meghan (Best) Schmidbauer on receiving her  doctorate degree.

Plans for the Liberty Masonic Complex picnic are being made.  It will be held on Saturday August 10th from 4 pm to 6 pm at the Mohn Pavilion on the grounds.  Hamburgers, hot dogs, corn, beverages and table service will be furnished.  Members are asked to bring a dish to share.  There will be fun and fellowship for all.  Games for the kids are being planned, including water games and prizes.

We are hoping that you are enjoying the summer………See you at the picnic!! 

Sunrise Chapter #458
Janet Baumann, Secretary