W. Farmington Assembly #116 International Order of the Rainbow for Girls
Stated Meetings 1st & 3rd Saturdays 10:00 am West Farmington Masonic Temple
Mother Advisor: Roxanne E. York (330) 240-5116 Roxanne44@yahoo.com
Worthy Advisor: Miss Shayla M.
Our Assembly is looking forward to some summer fun activities and projects. We hope that you will join us! We are having our annual rummage, concessions, & Bake sale during the Farmington Community Garage Sale weekend as well as our annual Car Wash at the Champion Arby’s by donation. Please come on out and support our Assembly. We would also like to cordially invite all Masons and their wives as well as members of the other appendant bodies to attend both our inspection on June 5th and our Installation of Officers on June 19th both at 7 pm at the W. Farmington Masonic Temple. Please let us know if you are coming so we have enough food for everyone. As always if you have any questions about our activities or how you and your family can get involved with our Rainbow Assembly, please contact our Mother Advisor!
Upcoming events:
6/3 Initiation Practice 6-8pm
6/4 Adv Bd mtg 6:30pm
6/5 Inspection, Elections, Rose Ceremony, Honor Day, Honoring Dads, Grads, & Masons 7 pm; refreshments at 6 pm provided by Mom Roxanne (pract/set-up 5 pm)
6/13 Mascot/Scrapbook Work Day; Movie/Popcorn party 2-5 pm
6/16 Set up for Rummage Sale 6-9pm
6/17 – 6/19 Farmington Community Garage Sales 9 am-4 pm
6/19 Installation of Officers 7 pm; refreshments 6 pm (prac/set-up 5 pm)
6/26 Car Wash at Champion Arby’s 11 am-3 pm
In Rainbow Love & Service,
Roxanne York – Mother Advisor