At our May meeting we remembered and honored HL Lois Brown – PRM & SK – Thomas Nevin at our Memorial Service. They will remain “Sweet in our Memory”. Several of our members attended the 98th annual Grand Court Session in Zanesville. At one point we had eight members in attendance. Congratulations are extended to the following Grand Officers: HL Joy Leavy – Grand Assoc. Conductress, SK Jim Lovelace – Grand Prelate, HL BethAnn McCracken Griffin – Gr Rep to GA, HL Claudia York – Gr Rep to Iowa/Colorado, HL Nancy Kirkpatrick – Gr Rep to OK, HL Roxanne York – Gr Rep to New South Wales/Queensland, & HL Verna Williams – Grand Rep to the Philippines. Our June meeting will be Friendship Night followed by a $5 ice cream social. Hope to see you there! Don’t forget we still have TX Roadhouse peanuts $5/bag and they come with a free appetizer coupon. We also have a few Amaranth and Masonic dues card holders for $4 each. Please see the Secretary to get yours!
Upcoming Events:
June 5th Columbus Court Installation 1 pm
June 9th Progress Court Friendship Night meeting & Ice cream Social 7:30 pm, $5
June 13th Grand Court Spaghetti Dinner for Ways & Means N. Olmsted
June 15th Akron Court Friendship Night & Ice Cream Social 7:30 pm