Morning Light – May, 2019

Worthy Matron: Michelle Martin Phone: 330-240-9707 E-mail: Secretary: Ruth West Phone: 330-824-2603 E-mail: Meetings: 1st(Stated) & 3rd(Special) Monday of Month, except July and August Warren Masonic Temple 112 Pine Ave. NE Warren, Ohio 44481-1232 Greetings Sisters and Brothers,Spring has arrived finally with all it’s glory. The birds are chirping, the weather is getting warmer, and the beautiful flowers are blooming. May brings about Mother’s Day and the Worthy

West Farmington Rainbow – May, 2019

W. Farmington Assembly #116 International Order of the Rainbow for Girls Stated Meetings 1st & 3rd Saturdays 10:00 am West Farmington Masonic Temple Mother Advisor: Roxanne E. York (330) 240-5116, Worthy Advisor: Miss Anna M W. Farmington Assembly has a very busy spring ahead of us.  Congratulations to Miss Anna M. who was chosen as the Rainbow Recipient of the Excellence in Youth Award.  She will be presented

Bethel #49 – May, 2019

Honored Queen: Jacquelyn M. Bethel Guardian: Angela Maselli Phone: 330-612-3092 Associate Bethel Guardian: Perry Billman PWM Phone: 330-861-4042 E-mail: Greetings Masonic Family and Friends!           Did you attend our annual Ohio Miss Job’s Daughters Pageant that was Saturday, April 27th, 2019 at the Lakewood Masonic Temple?  You didn’t?!  *gasp* Then you missed an AWESOME night!  Three of our very own 49ers participated in Pageant and did a wonderful job! 

Trinity White Shrine – May, 2019

Worthy High Priestess: Debra Wolff Phone: 330-626-3015 E-mail: Worthy Scribe: Roxanne York Phone: 330-240-5116 E-mail: Meetings : 4th Monday of the month, except July &August Warren Masonic Temple 112 Pine Ave. NE Warren, Ohio 44481-1232 We are looking forward to many of our Sojourners attending Supreme Shrine in Cedar Rapids, Iowa May 6th – 9th.  Please be aware of the date change for our May meeting due to

Copper Penny Lodge – May, 2019

Copper Penny Lodge #778 WM: Brian Muresan Phone: 330-442-1477 E-mail: Secretary: WB Bill Sayler Phone: 330-360-1666 E-mail: Meetings: 1st & 3rd Tuesday P.O.Box 463, Vienna, OH 44473 Greetings from Copper Penny Lodge 778, as the summer months draw near.  We would like to invite you to our annual car show on Sunday June 2, 2019 from 2 pm to 5 pm.  I warmly extend the invitation for all

Amaranth – May, 2019

Progress Court #22 Order of the Amaranth Stated Meetings 2nd Wednesday 7:30pm Liberty Masonic Complex Royal Matron: Joy Leavy (330) 554-4653 Royal Patron: James Lovelace (330) 330-388-7168 Secretary: Roxanne York (330) 240-5116 Congratulations to all of our elected and appointed officers.  Next meeting will be Memorial.  Ladies please remember to wear white formal and gloves.  Our Court is proud of our Grand Officers who will be

AASR – Valley of Youngstown – May, 2019

AASR- Valley of Youngstown 211 East Market Street PO Box 1420 Warren, OH 44482-1420 Phone: 330-373-0890 Email: Web: Facebook: A SPECIAL WELCOME to our new members following our Spring Class.  It was our third class in the Warren Temple, and it went much smoother than last year.  If you happen to see any of our new members out and about, congratulate them and welcome them. THE ANNUAL

Opal Chapter – May, 2019

WM: Brenda Claypool Phone: 330-652-1675 E-mail: Secretary: Carla Kahler Phone: 330-856-2356 E-mail: Stated Meetings: 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the Month Cortland Masonic Lodge Opal Chapter was delighted to have 60 people attend our 115th Inspection by Associate Grand Conductress, Cynthia Chadwell.  Inspection of the Secretary’s and Treasurer’s books went well, and they were congratulated by Sister Cindy.  Hartford Chapter did their usual fine job in reciprocating serving

Ali Baba Grotto – May, 2019

Monarch: Lee Hanshaw Phone: 330-219-2074 Secretary: Sam Marino Phone: 330-847-7640 Rentals: Allen L. BriggsPhone: 330-898-2970 Grotto Hall: 330-372-1383 760 Perkins-Jones Road, Warren, OH 44483 Meetings: 3rd Friday of the Month (ex. Feb & Mar) Greeting Fellow Prophets,           Welcome back, we are in full status.  I would very much like to see more prophets’ involvement.  We have a lot of events coming up!  When you get this letter, Alba Club

Old Erie #3 Lodge – April, 2019

Old Erie Lodge #3 WM Eugene MiligiPhone: 330-502-6931 (ok to text)email: March has come and gone, and April is upon us bringing with it Holy Week. I must apologize for this article being late this month. It is purely my fault. We brought another friend, Gary, to Light this past month, as he was our candidate for Inspection and the Officers and Brethren did great at Inspection, That isn’t