Old Erie Lodge #3
WM: Eugene Miligi
Phone: 330-502-6931 (ok to text)
email: e_miligi@yahoo.com

Fraternal greetings, Brethren!
This is the October issue of the Lodge newsletter which means I’m going into the last full month of my year in the East.  I’ll get sentimental in my next article.

Our first meeting in October, The 1st of October, we will be conferring the FC Degree.  Since we do not have an actual candidate, I’ve decided to use it as a move-up night and let next year’s presumed Officers confer the degree – since that is the degree we will be inspected in next year and there is no such thing as too much practice.  RWB Gordon is scheduled to give the Lecture and if you’ve never heard him perform you really need to come out.

Our second Stated Meeting of October will be held on the 15th of October and then the first meeting of November, the 5th, will be our Annual Meeting complete with committee reports, Memorial Service, and Election of Officers for the next term.  Remember, to be eligible to be elected to an office, your dues MUST be paid before the meeting.  Also, ALL Lodge-owned ritual book MUST be turned in at this meeting. This includes the divided 3-part rituals.

Congratulations to Brother Scott for receiving a Replace Yourself Award.  He was the first line signer on Brother Gary’s petition and, if you remember last month’s article, Brother Gary went through all 3 degrees the “traditional” way (not one-day class).  Great Job!

The Senior Warden, Junior Warden and myself will be representing Old Erie #3 at Grand Lodge later this month.  We are looking forward to this honor and will attend with pride and dignity.

Remember to follow our Facebook Page as events and happenings get posted there as information becomes available.

Fraternally, Eugene Miligi, WM