Hail, Brethren!

I have to begin this note with a great degree of thanks to all of the brethren that came out to help raise our newest Master Mason last night. Old Erie has a long tradition of excellent of ritual work but, I think last night we exceeded anything I have ever seen or heard from us. I thank you all for all of the hard work we have put in. Some Brothers learning new roles, some solidifying roles they have played in the past. Last night was, to sum it up in one word, memorable. Memorable for me, and for all in attendance. But, most of all, memorable for our candidate. And as much fun as we all have performing ritual, it is always more fun when we are performing for a new Brother.

So, to quickly go through what we have going on at lodge:

March 5th is Pre-Inspection at 6:00. This is mostly me & our secretary but, the other officers are welcome to be there so, they know what happens. We are then going to have a very quick meeting and after have our final walk-through before Inspection.

March 12th is Inspection. Dinner is meatloaf, mashed potatoes & green beans. Dinner starts at 6:00 and is $15.00 for guests. Those involved with the work of the evening will have their meal covered by the Lodge. Please RSVP via Facebook (either page but NOT both) by March 8th.

March 19th is a Stated Meeting.

April 2 & 16 are Stated Meetings. All applications for Old Erie Scholarships are due to me by the April 2nd meeting. Applications for 25th District Scholarships are due by April 15th to WB Christopher Kirarly.

April 2nd we are having the Widow’s Sons RA in for a presentation. If you ride motorcycles and enjoy “Teddy Bear Runs”, this is a program for you!

Our Open House is scheduled for April 20th 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM. This is an excellent opportunity to reach out to the community.

April 23 is Past Master Night/seafood dinner. I believe the degree for that is FC and I am expecting an actual candidate but, please watch for further details.

May 11th is the 25th District’s Grand Master Reception. This year it will be held at Sorrento’s 2488 Parkman Rd in Warren. Social Hour begins at 5:30, events begin at 6:30. Cost is $40.00 per person and RSVPs are due to WB Kirarly by our April 16th meeting.

Please keep an eye out for announcements for our steak fry, annual picnic, and other fun events.

WB Charlie Johnson, Newton Falls Lodge, personally invited us to the Newton Falls Inspection on March 11th. They are also in MM. Thier dinner is 6:00 PM at Covered Bridge in Newton Falls and gavel drops at 7:00. Best of luck WB Ed Clifford and Newton Falls!

On Saturday March 16th, Mahoning Chapter #10, RAM is celebrating it’s 200th Anniversary. Breakfast will be at 9:00 with reconsecration at 10:00. There will be an ALL-YORK RITE awards event celebrating our Brothers followed by interesting presentations and history. For example, York Rite Masonry only existed in England for 70 years before Mahoning Chapter was Chartered? I’d think that would have to make us one of the oldest Chapters in the world!  Afterwards, there will be a chicken cordon blue luncheon for $15.00 each. The day’s events are OPEN so bring your friends & family. Please RSVP through WB (EHP) Tom Weller.

Well, I said it would be quick…I may have been incorrect. But, it’s hard to not be excited about everything we have going on at Old Erie #3!

WB Eugene Miligi