Our stated meeting opened at 7:30 PM, after fellowship and a dinner of multiple topping option Pizzas and Dessert.
During our meeting, we discussed the upcoming April 22nd State-wide Masonic Open House as well as our upcoming inspection, as well as our upcoming Past Masters Night (April 25th.)
We also discussed our trip to retrieve the traveling gavel from Cortland on February 15th, which was in my last recap!
One of our EA Brothers successfully return his exam, and will be our FC Candidate for our Inspection on March 14th.
We also discussed our Monthly Dinner and Fellowship which this month is at Saratoga’s in Warren at 6pm. I am looking forward to finally making one of these!!
We are also putting together our Past Master’s to do our MM Degree on Past Masters night so if you are interested in helping, please let me know!
Until next month, stay in good health!