Our Officers have been installed, and we are looking forward to a great year! Our next meeting will be Wednesday, May 12th at the LMC, and will be our Memorial meeting. Ladies, please wear white formals & gloves. Grand Court will be held at the Zanesville Masonic Temple on May 21st & 22nd with Installation on Saturday at 6:30 pm. Best wishes to our Grand Officers as they preside over the “Believe in Amaranth” 98th Annual Session. Don’t forget we still have TX Roadhouse peanuts $5/bag and they come with a free appetizer coupon. Please see our Secretary to get yours!
Upcoming Events:
May 1st Strauss Memorial Court Installation Painesville MT
May 8th Imperial Court Installation Middletown MT
May 12th Amaranth Stated Meeting 7:30pm @LMC; Memorial
May 21st & 22nd Grand Court @ Zanesville MT