Sunrise Installation is coming up soon. November 23. Remember we have a time change to 7:30 pm. Chris Hanna and Jim Lovelace will be installed in the East.
Decembers meeting, we are to dress in festive colors of the season. Then during refreshments members & friends who may attend will have a $5 gift exchange. Please make sure the gift can be for anyone not boy or girl!
Sunrise lost 2 members since last Trestleboard report. Mary Tufaro and Commilla (Candy) Rich. We did an Eastern Star service for both members. Joanne Stringer reported that her son-in-law passed away.
Refreshments for meetings is taken care of for 2024. Members will be asked to sign up for 2025 starting in March. Please think about what month you would like to bring a light dessert type to share after the meeting.
Sunrise is closed January & February.
Lastly, for members of Sunrise Chapter, the Liberty Complex will hold a FAMILY Christmas Party on December 8th from 3 to 5pm. They are planning food, games & activities for you & your children & grandchildren. Please try to attend and enjoy fellowship with us.