Trinity Shrine #42 OWSJ
Worthy High Priestess: Claudia York Phone: (330) 889-6029 Email:
Watchman of Shepherds: Robert Gorman (330) 307-8538
Worthy Scribe: Roxanne York Phone: 330-240-5116 Email:
Meetings are 4th Monday of the month, except July & August
Greetings from Trinity Shrine #42. While summer is winding down and we start thinking about the fall activities gearing up, we wish to thank all those members who were out and about promoting our Shrine. So many spent time with Masonic groups especially the three Youth organizations cheering them on and supporting their activities and fundraisers. There are many pictures on our Facebook group page showing these good times. Cheers to the Supreme officers on their many miles of Shrine travels. Please say a few prayers for all those who are going through hard times and sickness. The list seems to be growing. We look forward to getting back into the swing of things after the summer hiatus and cool weather will be back quicker than we can fathom. Keep Smiling. Claudia York – WHP
Please start thinking about sending in your 2025 dues of $15.52 made out to Trinity Shrine #42 OWSJ and send to the Worthy Scribe at 6355 ST RT 534 NW, West Farmington, OH 44491 ~ Roxanne York, Worthy Scribe
Upcoming events:
Sep 23rd – Youth Night pizza party & stated meeting 6 pm
Oct 25th – Inspection at Ruth Shrine Poland 7:30 pm
Nov 25th – Stated Meeting 7:30 pm
Dec 9th – Covered dish Christmas party 6 pm; $5 gift exchange, Awards night meeting 7:30 pm