Greetings Masonic Family and Friends!
Well, how is your summer going?  Hot?!  Yeah, we believe it!  Hopefully you were able to renew old friendships and make lasting ones despite this gross heat and humidity (which, by the way, should be ending soon with fall less than a month away!).  We know you have missed hearing about our Warren Job’s Daughters, so we will just give you the quick highlights!   Did you happen to catch a glimpse of our lovely ladies in August sharing a seat with Progress Court, #22, Order of the Amaranth at the Mahoning Valley Scrappers baseball game?  The Daughters, Adults, and Job’s Daughters-2-Be of our Bethel cheered on the Scrappers all evening while enjoying fellowship with one another!  We even showed up to Progress Court’s annual Youth Night a few weeks later and shared our organization with their members!  Wonder what we will be up to next in September?  Read on!
 -Sunday, September 1: Job’s Daughters meeting at the Warren Masonic Temple at 3:00 pm
– Saturday, September 7: Fun Event: Dance to benefit Ohio Job’s Daughters Scholarships at the Canton Masonic Temple.  Tickets in advance are $10.00 and $15.00 at the door.  Dance is from 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm.
– Saturday, September 14: Hampton Memorial Golf Outing (Magic Mountain in Columbus)
– Sunday, September 15: Job’s Daughters meeting at the Warren Masonic Temple at 3:00 pm.
* Our service project for this month will be collecting items to fill shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child.  Our last day we are accepting donations will be our Official Visitation (oh, by the way, mark that on your calendar as well!) on Sunday, October 6, 2024 at 3:00 pm at the Warren Masonic Temple.  Want to help, but don’t know what to donate?  Not a problem!  Call our Bethel Guardian, Carrie, and she will give you a list of suggestions!

So, have we sold you yet on our Bethel?  Are you looking forward to seeing us again in the near future?  Great!  Read the above paragraph to visit us during one of our meetings or join in fellowship with us at one of our events!  Have a young lady interested in Job’s and you’d like her to start her journey with us soon (maybe as soon as this fall!)?  Not a problem!  Contact our Bethel Guardian, Carrie Guesman, for more information and or a petition and we hope to see you in September!

Well, hopefully that answered all of your questions for this month and we will see you soon!  Just in case you aren’t familiar with us, Job’s Daughters’ mission is to create confident young women, respecting tradition, and shaping the future.  Our members learn invaluable skills that increase their confidence and prepare them to lead. We teach girls to use their voice.  We also have a Jobie-2-Be program for any girl age 7 to 9 or any other age that is interested in learning more about Job’s Daughters.  For a full list of what we do each month, please contact our Bethel Guardian, Carrie Guesman, at (330) 219-0781, for more information or a petition!
Daughters and Adults of Bethel #49