W. Farmington Assembly #116 International Order of the Rainbow for Girls
Stated Meetings 2nd & 4th Sundays 2:00 pm Warren Masonic Temple
Mother Advisor: Roxanne E. York (330) 240-5116 Roxanne44@yahoo.com
Worthy Advisor: protem
Summer doesn’t slow our Assembly down! We ran our game booth at the Farmington Festival and participated in the parade. We had a great time at our Founder’s Day picnic at Adventure Zone in Geneva-on-the-Lake. We are planning a hair & nails glam party after our August meeting which will be held at the Farmington Community Church. Our Assembly still has Boscov’s Shopping Passes for $5 each for charity day on Oct 22nd. Contact our Mother Advisor to get yours today! We hope that you will invite your female relatives to join us in our fun and activities! Please contact our Mother Advisor to learn more about our organization and how you can get involved in helping our Masonic Youth.
Upcoming Events:
8/1 – OES Picnic at Cortland Conservation Club 5 pm covered dish
8/8 – Amaranth Youth Night & Pizza Party 6:30 pm LMC
8/10 – Bristol Summerfest 9 am-3 pm Twp Park; LMC picnic 4 pm covered dish
8/12 – Scrappers Game w/ Amaranth 7:05 pm Niles
8/14 – Rivergate HS Open house 10 am-2 pm, Warren
8/17 – Rnbw stated meeting 10 am; Pledge meeting 11 am; Glam Party 12-2 pm FCC
8/24 – set up Geauga Co Fair Display 9 am-12 pm Burton
8/25 – White Shrine/Amaranth picnic at LMC 4 pm covered dish
8/31 – NE Ohio Rainbow Gathering TBA
West Farmington Festival Parade and Booth