W. Farmington Assembly #116 International Order of the Rainbow for Girls
Stated Meetings 1st & 3rd Saturdays 10:00am West Farmington Masonic Temple
Mother Advisor: Roxanne E. York (330) 240-5116 Roxanne44@yahoo.com
Worthy Advisor:
We are so pleased to welcome our two newest members, Jazzmin S. & Echo P. as well as the Grand Worthy Advisor to our Assembly! The Assembly will be hosting a prospective Halloween Party on Oct 7th from 12-2 pm and would love to have your female relatives join us. We will also be starting our pepperoni/sausage roll fundraiser to help us get to our state convention this summer. Be sure to order yours today! If you know a girl between the ages of 6 & 19 who would benefit from being a member, please contact our Mother Advisor for more information.
September Events:
10/7 – Rnbw Stated Meeting 10 am; Pledge initiation 11:30 am; Halloween Party 12-2 pm; peperoni roll sale starts
10/18 – Boscov’s Charity Day; Have you gotten your shopping passes yet? Just $5!
10/20 – Adv Bd Mtg 6:30 pm
10/21 – Rnbw Stated Meeting 10 am; p. roll $ & orders due.
10/23 – Pizza Party & Youth Night at White Shrine 6:30 pm, Warren
10/28 – Statewide Initiation – Columbus
West Farmington Rainbow Assembly #116 welcomes two (2) new members and the new Grand Worthy Advisor.