Greetings Brethren –

What a busy spring we’ve had at the Lodge this year. Since late April, we’ve done 4 (count them) Master Mason degrees, including doing 2 in one evening (extenuating circumstances). But our congratulations go out to Brothers Kildow, Lasko, Haus, and Gause. And we also have 3 petitioning potential brothers as well, so our Fall and Winter season will be busy as well.

I feel we’ve done a great job in getting the Lodge back on solid ground as we’ve been having Lodge meals and fellowship afterwards with many of our brethren on Tuesdays, as well as our monthly Fellowship dinners out at various restaurants in the City of Warren.

Two quick announcements for all – first is that our last stated meeting, on Tuesday, June 20th is Wild Shirt Night, so make sure you come out for a chance to win a Prize. We’ll be having our annual strawberry shortcake as well.

Second, on Sunday, June 25th is our Annual Picnic to be held at Ali Baba Grotto. The picnic will be from 5pm to 8pm, and we ask that you bring a covered dish (either some side, or dessert). The Lodge will be handling the hamburgers, hotdogs and bratwurst. We will be handing out our Scholarships at the picnic as well as having corn hole and other activities. If you are interested in attending, please let either myself ( or our JW Dave Gorsuch ( know so we can adjust our food numbers.

Over the coming ‘off’ months, our line officers will be meeting to practice their ‘probable’ new roles as well as degree work for the upcoming masonic year (where our Inspection degree will be Master Mason). I look forward to working with them and aiding them in learning their parts. If you are interested in helping out, come down to the Lodge on our normal meeting nights in July and August as we’ll be practicing then.

Looking forward to seeing you either at our next stated meeting, or at our picnic (or both)!