Greetings Companions!
Hopefully this gets to everyone that needs to be getting it. If you know of anyone that is not, please forward their email address along (reply) and we’ll get them added.
First off, a sincere thank you to all that are serving and supporting the 2022-2023 Officers. We truly appreciate you.
Next, as promised, the dates for the Summer events that I quickly reviewed.
July 16th 5:00-7:00 is the District Steak Fry at Argus Park. $15.00 PHP Kiraly has tickets.
July 23 Scrappers Game hosted by the Valley of Youngstown Scottish Rite. Contact Zel Bush or Tim Flack for more information.
June 24th District Education at Wellsville Masonic Temple. Dinner is 5:30, program is 7:00. There is no fee but, they do want reservations.
September 17 is a golf outing to support GM1V Zel Bush. See him for more details.
October 5 & 6 is Grand Chapter in Columbus.
March 1st is our Inspection in M.E.M.
As I stated in the meeting Wednesday, I do want to practice M.E.M. (and R.A. Opening) over the summer. I need the practice.
The parts that I have right now for M.E.M. are for the cast are:
S.K.I. – Bill McCleary
H.K.T. – Charlie Johnson
Marshall – Tom Weller
H.P. – Eugene Miligi
Please review your ritual or if you remember from practice the other week we need Master, Senior, and Junior Overseer, and someone for the Lecture.
For Opening/Closing the only part I have assigned is RWM will be myself.
I would like the first practice on July 13 at 7:00 PM. I want to finalize the MEM parts and start on the Opening/Closing.
See you then!
EHP Eugene Miligi