W. Farmington Assembly #116 International Order of the Rainbow for Girls
Stated Meetings 1st & 3rd Saturdays 10:00 am West Farmington Masonic Temple
Mother Advisor: Roxanne E. York (330) 240-5116 Roxanne44@yahoo.com
Worthy Advisor: Alyssa C.
W. Farmington Rainbow Assembly #116 of the International Order of the Rainbow for Girls held its fall term installation. Installed as Worthy Advisor to lead the Assembly was Miss Alyssa C. Alyssa attends TCTC in the animal care division. Her theme is based on Undertale with her watchwords being perseverance & determination. Her scripture: is St. James 1:12; her mascot is Temmie, symbols are hearts, colors are red & yellow, and the flower is the marigold. The service projects for the term are to assist with a recycling project & St. Jude’s Hospital for Children. Social events include: an Escape Room, and a trip to Wagon Trails. Fundraisers include a car wash, online pizza kit sales, Boscov’s Charity Day, and a Daffin’s candy bar sale.
Serving as installing officer for the day was Miss Maddie L. from Logan Assembly #164. She was assisted by Miss Addy C. as Installing Marshal, Miss Emma C. as Installing Chaplain, & Miss Elizabeth D. as Installing Recorder. Also in attendance for the day were Mrs. Elaine Frantz – Grand Deputy to District #36 and Miss Michaela Leach – Grand Worthy Advisor in Ohio.
The other officers for the term are: Worthy Associate Advisor – Leah T, Hope – Kasey E., Chaplain – Rianna B., Drill Leader – Charysh L., Confidential Observer – Tanessa R., & Outer Observer – Shayla M.
Rainbow Girls are girls between the ages of 11 – 20 who want to give service to their community, build strong leadership and public speaking skills, and make life-long friends. The assembly also sponsors Iris Pledge Group for girls ages 6-10 for girls to learn about service, patriotism, and fun fellowship.
All Master Masons, OES, Amaranth, White Shrine of Jerusalem, & their spouses, and majority Rainbow members are encouraged to come and visit them any time. For more information about W. Farmington Assembly or information on how you can join this premiere character building & community service organization for girls, please visit their website or contact their Mother Advisor.
July Events:
July 1-3 Ohio Grand Assembly – Dayton
July 8 Templar Chapter DeMolay Installation 7 pm, Canfield
July 16 Stated Mtg 10 am; Pledge 11:30; Founder’s Day Picnic 12 pm (covered dish); Wagon Trails 1:30 pm
July 30th Warren DeMolay Putt-Putt Outing 1:30 pm Girard
July 29 – Aug 4th 100th Supreme Assembly Oklahoma City, OK