W.Farmington Rainbow – May, 2021

W. Farmington Assembly #116 International Order of the Rainbow for GirlsStated Meetings 1st & 3rd Saturdays 10:00am West Farmington Masonic Templewww.mastermason.com/WFarmington116Mother Advisor: Roxanne E. York (330) 240-5116 Roxanne44@yahoo.comWorthy Advisor: Miss Shayla M. The weather is warming up and we are taking our meetings outside.  All meetings for the rest of this term will be in person, either at the Temple or in the park depending on the county color.  Please

White Shrine – May, 2021

Trinity Shrine #42 OWSJWorthy High Priestess: Debra WolffPhone: (330) 330-626-3015Email: debmwolff@aol.comWorthy Scribe: Roxanne YorkPhone: 330-240-5116Email: Roxanne44@yahoo.comMeetings are 4th Monday of the month, except July & August Our Officers have been installed and we are looking forward to a great year!  Congratulations to our newest member, Carrie-Lynne Umbach who was initiated at Supreme Shrine in Kingsport, TN.  Please mark your calendars for Saturday, Oct 2nd, which will be the reception for

Morning Light #80 – May, 2021

May has arrived.  Spring is in full bloom, the weather is warmer, and we are reminded that our freedom is not free.  Remember to take a moment to honor America’s fallen heroes to ensure their sacrifices are never forgotten. Our stated meeting is on Monday, May 3rd, please come in casual dress.  Let’s make this as comfortable as possible.  I know Trumbull County is still at Level 3 RED.  According

Mahoning Chapter – May, 2021

Mahoning Chapter Companions remember.  May is the time of year when we elect new officers for the year of 2021-2022.  Please come out to our stated meetings but especially May 12th. On May 22, the Grand High Priest reception tickets go on sale. Call Zell Bush (330-503-5992) for a ticket and reservation. $25/person. Keep our shut-ins in your thoughts and prayers: Dave Hyde & Mike Weaver.

Bethel #49 – May, 2021

Greetings Masonic Family and Friends!So, how’s the social distancing going?  Hopefully ALL of you are healthy and studying over your parts for each of your organizations diligently.  We know, it’s lonely, but hang in there! Better times are ahead of us and we’re all in this together!    Speaking of being together….well, kind of…..did you happen to catch our virtual Ohio Miss Job’s Daughters Pageant a few weeks ago?  As

Amaranth – May, 2021

Progress Court #22 Order of the AmaranthStated Meetings 2nd Wednesday 7:30pm Liberty Masonic Complexwww.mastermason.com/ProgressCourt22Royal Matron: Stephanie Uber (330) 219-5379 manowar49@aol.comRoyal Patron: Brian Williams (330) 758-2486 bswilliams5667@sbcglobal.netSecretary: Roxanne York (330) 240-5116 Roxanne44@yahoo.com Our Officers have been installed, and we are looking forward to a great year!  Our next meeting will be Wednesday, May 12th at the LMC, and will be our Memorial meeting.  Ladies, please wear white formals & gloves.  Grand

AASR Valley of Youngstown – May, 2021

Mahoning Masons           A SPECIAL WELCOME to our new members following our Spring Class.  If you happen to see any of our new members out and about, congratulate them and welcome them. THE ANNUAL ELECTION OF OFFICERS took place at our April Stated meeting.  INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS will be held at our May Stated Meeting at the Warren Masonic Temple.  Due to COVID this will be a member only meeting