THE APRIL STATED MEETING will be our Annual Election of Officers. This will be our first in-person meeting since early fall. There will not be a dinner. Don’t forget that our stated meetings begin at 7:30 pm, not 7:00 pm as our virtual meetings have been. This is the last Stated Meeting before our Spring Reunion to get petitions in!!!!!!!
****2021 SPRING REUNION*****: It’s time to get those petitions in. Again, this year a benefactor has made funds available so that any current or retired Police, Fire, or EMTs and any Active Military or Veteran can join the Valley for $50.00. This reunion is named for Ill. Douglas F. and Ill. Gregory B. Anstrom. Friday, April 23rd the 4o DVD, 14o, and 19o will be conferred, and Saturday, April 24th the 17oDVD, 18o, 23oDVD and 32o Live will be conferred. Friday starts at 7:00 pm and Saturday at 8:00 am. Coffee and donuts on Saturday morning. All degrees will be held at the Warren Temple. Fees for degrees this year are $100.00
AT THIS TIME ALL DUES NOTICES HAVE BEEN MAILED. Please note that Supreme Council has changed the way dues notices are being sent. First dues notices for 2022 will be mailed in June of this year. If you are having trouble keeping up with your dues please call the office, and all calls are completely confidential. No Scottish Rite member should ever have to worry about losing his membership due to financial difficulty that can hit any of us at any time.
INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS will be held on our Stated Meeting on May 6th at the Warren Masonic Temple. This will again be an in-person meeting. As this will only be our second meeting back in-person we ask that this be members only, no ladies.
THE OHIO COUNCIL OF DELIBERATION will be held in Columbus hosted by the Valley of Columbus on Saturday, June 12th. PLEASE NOTE THE DATE CHANGE!!!! Invitations will be mailed about the middle of April. Members of OCD are all 33o, MSAs, Past Presiding Officers and the top three officers of each body as of our annual Installation on May 6th. If you are currently 4th in line of your body you will be third in line in May making you a member of OCD and expected to attend so plan accordingly. If you fall into one of these categories and do not receive an invitation by the last week of April contact the office immediately.