W. Farmington Assembly #116 International Order of the Rainbow for Girls
Stated Meetings 1st & 3rd Saturdays 10:00 am West Farmington Masonic Temple
Mother Advisor: Roxanne E. York (330) 240-5116 Roxanne44@yahoo.com
Worthy Advisor: Protem

We are coming up on the Christmas Season.  Santa will soon be here! Have you gotten all of your Daffin’s candy bars to fill those stockings? Rainbow has you covered.  $1 each.  See our Mother Advisor to get yours today!

Upcoming events:
12/5 Rnbw Meeting 10 am via Zoom wear something Christmasy; 11 am online Christmas party w/Pledge
12/18 Adv Bd Meeting via Zoom 6 pm for 2020 and 6:30 pm for 2021
12/19 Rnbw Stated Meeting 10am via Zoom

In Rainbow Love & Service,
Roxanne York – Mother Advisor