OUR FIRST STATED MEETING will be held on September 10, 2020 with Hiram Lodge of Perfection presiding and will begin at 7:00 PM.  There will be no dinner preceding.  This will be our annual Election and Installation of officers so make EVERY attempt to attend.

          SPRING/FALL REUNION HAS BEEN CHANGED TO:  Saturday, September 26th only!  This will be the George Roman III, 33o Class.  We will begin the day at 8:30 AM when we will witness the 4o, 15o, 17o, 19o, and 31o DVDs.  We will then break for lunch (box lunches from A La Carte Catering) followed at approximately 12:00 Noon with the 32o Introduction DVD and the 32o DVD.  We have 15 candidates so let’s all come out and show them what the Valley of Youngstown is all about, BROTHERHOOD!!!!!

DUES STATEMENTS for 2021 have been mailed and should be in your hands shortly.  You will notice that the format has changed.  Please note that the only line that you need to take note of is the line that reads:  Total 2021 Valley Dues Owed: and it is in red print.  There is an error on the statement.  Where you have the opportunity to contribute to make Valley contributions you will see that the Ohio Masonic Home is listed twice.  If you desire to make contributions, please cross out one of the Ohio Masonic Home listings and substitute the Hubert E. White Scholarship Fund.  We are able to give one Scholarship from this fund each year thanks to your donations.  Please continue to contribute to the Scholarship Fund.  Dues are $95.00. Your prompt payment is appreciated.  Dues are due in the office by December 31, 2019.

During 2019-2020 the following Brethren have made donations to the Ohio Masonic Home, Hubert E. White Scholarship Fund, or the Trust Fund.  If you made a donation and your name does not appear please contact the office:  Richard A. Antill; Robert P. Ashe; Fred H. Bailey, Jr.; Kevin R. Barren; Kenneth P. Baum, Jr.; John L. Baumeier; Daniel H. Becker, 33o; Richard D. Biles; Justin T. Bishop; Lowell E. Boldt; Bryan L. Borowski; Thomas A. Brown; Jerome F. Carden; Dean L. Carr; Robert F. Cavender; Robert M. Cavender; Robert N. Chamberlain; Paul L. Clouser; Jeffrey D. Cope; Perry E. Coxson; Thomas Craig; Richard A. Dascenzo, Sr.; Randal E. Davis, 33o; Raymond P. DeCapito; David C. Deibel; Philip R. Elliott, Jr., 33o; Randall J. Emrich; Raymond L. Fowler; Dennis R. Furman; Charles W. Gill; James F. Hahlen; George R. Haney; George H. Hartzell; Hugh A. Hively; R. Glen Hlebak; Michael A. Hover; Ray H. Huish; Thomas G. Jacobs; John Jakubek; Richard W. Johns; Charles D. Johnson III; John R. Jones; Thomas C. Jordan; Richard L. Killing; S. Keith Kistler; Alfred J. Klein; Steven M. Klein; Donald W. Kromer; Richard J. Latimer; Howard H. Laukhart; John R. Lawyer; Dominic M. Lucarelli, 33o; Timothy E. Maklin; David J. Mahan; Giuseppe D. Marchionda; Earl N. Maxin; Ian G. McAleer; Gene L. McClelland, Jr.; Robert B. Meredith; Richard S. Merrow; William K. Miller; Harold P. Miller, Jr.; Richard W. Mollard; John R. Molnar, 33o; Edwin C. Montgomery, Sr.; Mark E. Munroe, 33o; Frederick K. Pamer; Gene A. Parsons; Joseph J. Poptic II; Eugene M. Potesta, MSA; John S. “Jack” Ranck; Stanley L. Reese; John T. Remias, 33o; Richard S. Rosine, MSA, (Dec.); Ernest Roth, Sr.; Jerry D. Rowe; Peter W. Runtas (Dec.); Alexander J. Savakis; Steve J. Schlosser, Jr., 33o; George F. Seagreaves; Richard J. Sekely, Jr.; Larry D. Slater; Charles D. Smider; Clarence R. Smith, Jr., 33o; Robert J. Smith, Jr.; Roger M. Stiller; James A. Streeky, 33o; Tom R. Uher; Donald V. VanMeter; John J. Vargo, 33o; William W. Wade; Scott E. Walton; Arthur V. Whittaker; H. Douglas Wilcox, 33o; Robert A. Wollitz; Timothy K. Woofter; Jeffrey B. Woolard; Dale E. Wright; Joseph A. Yannerella; Michael E. Yanovich; Richard A. Yuschak; Mark A. Zeidenstein; Lawrence D. Ziegler.