W.Farmington Rainbow – September, 2020

W. Farmington Assembly #116 International Order of the Rainbow for Girls Stated Meetings 1st & 3rd Saturdays 10:00am West Farmington Masonic Templewww.mastermason.com/WFarmington116Mother Advisor: Roxanne E. York (330) 240-5116 Roxanne44@yahoo.comWorthy Advisor: Protem Thank you to all who supported West Farmington Assembly at our summer fundraisers!  We would love to have your female family members between the ages of 6 & 19 join us in service to the community, sisterhood with each


CONGRATULATIONS to Worthy Matron Heather and Worthy Patron Jack for leading the Chapter to an Outstanding Chapter Gold Award for 2020!! Morning Light was one of 37 Chapters to receive this highest Chapter award from the OHIO Grand Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star.

White Shrine – September, 2020

Trinity Shrine #42 OWSJWorthy High Priestess: Debra WolffPhone: (330) 330-626-3015Email: debmwolff@aol.comWorthy Scribe: Roxanne YorkPhone: 330-240-5116Email: Roxanne44@yahoo.comMeetings are 4th Monday of the month, except July & August A lovely installation of Officers was held jointly with Ruth Shrine in Poland on July 20th.  All officers who were unable to attend are asked to be at our Sep 28th meeting to get installed.  The Supreme Shrine session and our Shrine picnic were

Amaranth – September, 2020

Progress Court #22 Order of the AmaranthStated Meetings 2nd Wednesday 7:30 pm Liberty Masonic Complexwww.mastermason.com/ProgressCourt22Royal Matron: Joy Leavy (330) 554-4653 jleavy1795@icloud.comRoyal Patron: James Lovelace (330) 330-388-7168 james.lovelace@davey.comSecretary: Roxanne York (330) 240-5116 Roxanne44@yahoo.com Unfortunately, we had to cancel our wine & craft beer bus trip, and refunds have been issued as well as our Court-wide family picnic.  All officers will be staying in their current stations.  Progress Court would like to

AASR – Valley of Youngstown, September, 2020

          OUR FIRST STATED MEETING will be held on September 10, 2020 with Hiram Lodge of Perfection presiding and will begin at 7:00 PM.  There will be no dinner preceding.  This will be our annual Election and Installation of officers so make EVERY attempt to attend.           SPRING/FALL REUNION HAS BEEN CHANGED TO:  Saturday, September 26th only!  This will be the George Roman III, 33o Class.  We will begin the