Opal Chapter
WM:  Shawn Woods
Phone:  330.544.0855
E-mail:  sisw55@zoominternet.net
Secretary:  Carla Kahler
Phone:  330-856-2356
E-mail:  gonetochapter@embarqmail.com
Stated Meetings: 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the Month
Cortland Masonic Lodge

Opal Chapter # 181 joins the choir of prayers for a quick cessation of this life changing virus.  MEANWHILE:  Worthy Grand Matron Margi Wheeler has canceled until May 8th all Eastern Star functions including our April 14th Inspection and our March 28th spaghetti dinner has been postponed. 

We hope we will be able to hold our ANNUAL MEETING, June 9th and plan to honor the Diamond Club on June 23rd.  REMEMBER to send me your yearly total of the number of VOLUNTEER HOURS which you have accumulated by May 1st.

GRATEFUL for our BEAUTIFUL ORDER and hoping to see you at CHAPTER.
Star Love, Carla