Money & signed waiver are due to the Secretary, Roxanne York, 6355 ST RT 534 NW, West Farmington, OH 44491 no later than April 15th. Please make $75 checks payable to Progress Court #22 OofA.
Roxanne E. York 330-240-5116Mother Advisor – W. Farmington Assembly #116 IORG
State Director for Ohio Sigma Tau Alpha
PM – Opal Chapter #181 OES Cortland, Ohio, GGC
PRM – Progress Court #22 Order of Amaranth
Justice Conclave #8 Order of True Kindred
Al Sirat #11 Daughters of Mokanna Worthy Scribe – Trinity Shrine #42 OWSJ PP – Hall Corps #104 WRC
Liberty Temple #185 Pythian Sisters