Opal Chapter
WM: Shawn Woods
Phone: 330-544-0855
E-mail: sisw55@zoominternet.net
Secretary: Carla Kahler
Phone: 330-856-2356
E-mail: gonetochapter@embarqmail.com
Stated Meetings: 2nd and 4th
Tuesday of the Month
Opal Chapter exemplified Initiation with Elizabeth Hartman and Eryn Lewis as our walk-through candidates after we enjoyed Ken and Carla Kahler’s Mardi Gras dinner party. Ken was seen on the grounds with an alligator on his head- photo-op.
Led by Worthy Matron Shawn Woods, 11 of us found our way to Edwin and Eileen Niemi where we spent a pleasant afternoon presenting Edwin with his 50-year membership pin and visiting.
March 28th spaghetti dinner plans are
moving along well. Ticket sales are booming,
and we are looking forward to seeing you there. We will be serving from 4-6:30 pm.
Star love, Carla