Opal Chapter
WM:  Shawn Woods
Phone:  330-544-0855
E-mail:  sisw55@zoominternet.net
Secretary:  Carla Kahler
Phone:  330-856-2356
Stated Meetings: 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the Month

Opal February news

Diana Martin and Ruth Tomlinson are planning a sweetheart dinner to proceed our meeting on February 11.  Bring  Valentines, wear RED  and  join in the traditional fun of Valentine’s Day. 

Ken and Carla Kahler are preparing a traditional Mardi Gras feast for our February 25th pre-meeting dinner.  You may spot an alligator on the premises…

Tom Eckley won the Worthy Matron’s Hospitality gift at the last meeting.  Oddly enough there were no January birthdays to celebrate.

March 28th SPAGHETTI DINNER tickets will soon be in the MAIL.  We are looking forward to another delicious success.

With Star love and hoping to see you at Chapter for GOOD TIMES and FELLOWSHIP.  Carla