Bethel #49
Honored Queen: Jacquelyn M.
Bethel Guardian:  Angela Maselli
Phone: 330-612-3092
Associate Bethel Guardian: Perry Billman PWM
Phone: 330-861-4042

Greetings Masonic Family and Friends!
Well, how did your summer go?  Hot?!  Yeah, we believe it!  Hopefully you were able to renew old friendships and make lasting ones during the “Masonic Picnic Season”!  We know you’ve missed hearing about our Warren Job’s Daughters, so we’ll just give you the quick highlights!  Bethel #49 once again is represented at the state level after an exciting Grand Session!  Please help me congratulate all of our lovely young ladies for the many awards they won during competitions, for some of their appointments to the Grand Bethel, and especially to Courtney W. who will represent our Bethel as H.I.K.E. Representative for the coming year (Hearing Improvement Kids Endowment fund)!  Wow!  “High five” to all of these ladies for their hard work not only throughout the year, but at Grand Session and the coming year as well!

  As our travels continued throughout the summer did you happen to catch us at the Trumbull County Fair?  We were there!  Underneath the Grandstands and in full force promoting Job’s Daughters!  Still not sure if you saw us or not?  Well, several of our girls were also across the aisle and helping the Ali Baba Grotto with their food stand as well!  Nice job to everyone on the Masonic teamwork!  Still didn’t see us?  Well, we were also at our annual Job-A-Rama expedition.  This year it was held at Camp Lazarus in Delaware, Ohio, and, wow, what a beautifully gorgeous weekend among the hot and humid temperatures that have plagued us off and on all summer!  Looking forward to seeing us again in the near future?  Not a problem!  Check out the paragraph below to visit us during one of our meetings.  Have a young lady interested in Job’s Daughters and you’d like her to start her journey with us soon (maybe as soon as this fall!)?  Not a problem!  Contact our Bethel Guardian, Angela Maselli, for more information and or a petition and we hope to see you in September!

   For those of you not familiar with Job’s Daughters, we are a positive faith-based organization for girls between the ages of 10 and 20 that provides leadership, builds self-confidence, and allows girls to make lifelong friendships.  For the month of September, we will be having our stated meetings on Sunday the 1st and Sunday the 15th at 3:00 pm.  We welcome all Masons and members of any Masonic affiliated groups to attend our meetings!  We also have a Jobie-2-Be program for any girl age 7 to 9 or any other age that is interested in learning more about Job’s Daughters.  For a full list of what we do each month please check our Bethel calendar located on the second-floor bulletin board of the Warren Masonic Temple or just contact our Bethel Guardian, Angela Maselli, for more information or a petition!
Daughters and Adults of Bethel #49