Greeting Fellow Prophets,
Spring is on its way, Hope everyone had a safe break. Our 1st stated meeting back will be April 19th; I want to welcome our new candidates, we brought in 7 new members. We performed a short form ceremonial on 2 new prophets on March 15th as well as traveled to Pittsburgh Saturday March 16th with 3 candidates for a ceremonial. We still have 2 candidates we need to initiate. I want to thank all the prophets who assisted with the short form as well as traveled to Pittsburgh for National Grotto Day. Ali Baba had a good presence, 3 candidates and 6 prophets.
We always want to promote and grow our fraternity, we made the decision that after March any new candidates we bring in will only owe $20.00 to join which covers the per capita, also if any new candidate attends at least 5 meetings in their 1st year their 2nd year’s dues will only be $30.00
April 27th the Alba Club will host a Special event – doors open at 6 pm, the event start at 7 pm. For more information call me Lee 330-219-2074 or Allen Briggs 330-898-2970
May 17th will be the Special Needs picnic plus our stated meeting that evening. Please support the picnic. Bob Johnson will be in charge, he can use help. 330-984-2346
- Grotto Hall rental rate fees are: (Per day)
- Grotto Member hall rental is $100.00 (per day) (must be for you or immediate family)
- Non-Grotto Member hall rental is $250.00
- Grotto member pavilion is $0.00 (per day)
- Non-Grotto Member pavilion is $50.00 (per day)
- Please contact Allen Briggs to book a date: 330-898-2970
Also, the 4th Wednesday of every month will be a work party at the Grotto at approximately 6:30 – 7 pm. We are continuously working to improve the hall and grounds. Please help if you can.
Lee Hanshaw 330-219-2074 (Monarch)
Sam Marino 330-718-2847 (Secretary)
Allen Briggs 330-898-2970 (Treasurer)