WM: Nancy Ann Staffeld
Phone: 330.842.1854
WP: Frank Schenck
Phone: 330.995.6826
Secretary: Marsha Loomis
Phone: 330-527-2678
Meetings are Second (stated) and Fourth (special) Mondays of each month.

By the time this reaches everyone our Inspection will be over and our “Eating Out Bunch” will have celebrated at Jake’s Restaurant in Mantua.  At the time I am writing this the reservation is set for Tuesday, April 9, 2019 at 6:00 pm.  Whenever we gather in a casual atmosphere to eat it is a great time and to celebrate the completion of our Inspection it will be even sweeter!  Lloyd and Andrea (“Andie”) Billman visited us from Iowa at our March 11 Stated Meeting.  They moved to Iowa several years ago but return to this area at least once or twice a year.  Whenever they make the trip, they always make a point to attend.  It was great to be with them again!  My wife, Susan, and I attended Morning Light Chapter’s Birthday night.  Crescent is Morning Light’s Mother Chapter.  Since it was close to St. Patrick’s Day and the Worthy Matron at Morning Light loves everything Irish we took a Shamrock plant as a Birthday gift.  Now, for a little Irish humor: Why should you never iron your Shamrock?  Answer: Because you don’t want to press your luck.  And now I give you a blessing from the Emerald Isle: “May the road rise up to meet you.  May the wind be always at your back.  May the sun shine warm upon your face; the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand.”  Safe travels!