WM: Christopher Kiraly
Phone: 330-770-3544
Email: christopher.m.kiraly@gmail.com
Secretary: Allen Briggs
Phone: 330-898-2970
E-mail: ab8848@aol.com

Warm and fraternal greetings, my Brethren!

Sitting in the East, you realize how quickly time passes you by, when all of a sudden, another calendar page has turned. One of the harder aspects of being Master of the Lodge is changing your mindset to write these Trestleboard letters. You realize you have to be thinking ahead because while what I’m focused on today will have been weeks passed by the time you read this letter. So, it does require a bit of mental discipline to
write about upcoming events and concerns, while ignoring the ones directly in front of you. But I digress!

I hope this new Trestleboard finds everybody safe and warm, and having enjoyed the holidays and reveled in ringing in the New Year! For myself, we have just finished having a successful Awards night presentation. I truly found myself honored to be presenting these fine brothers with awards celebrating all their years in Masonry, and also truly jealous
of my brothers who received their 50-year certificates. It’s a worthwhile achievement, and I found myself very proud that I was able to be Worshipful Master at Brothers Jones and Sinclair presentations.
If all goes according to plan, we’ve already initiated a new brother into the EA degree, and will hopefully be passing him into the FC degree at one of our later meetings in January or early February.

On Tuesday, January 9th, we’ll be having a joint special meeting with Copper Penny Lodge in the Warren Masonic Temple. I hope that you all will be able to attend what we hope will be a new annual occurrence.  (This started last June at Copper Penny, but we jointly decided that during the winter was a better time to meet!)

We will also be conducting practices on our off Tuesdays for the MM degree, as our Inspection will soon be upon us. All of our brothers are always welcome to join us during our practices, if nothing else to help keep us on our toes!

So please mark your calendars for Tuesday, March 13th. That will be our Lodge inspection date in the MM Degree. We will be having a dinner beforehand at 6 p.m., and our Inspection starts at 7 p.m. Please plan
to attend, as I would love to see our Lodge room full of members for this important Degree work.

So, until next month!
Fraternally yours
Christopher M Kiraly