Greetings Masonic Family and Friends!
We hope everyone is keeping warm on these cold winter days (that appear to be peppered with the occasional spring-like temperatures!) and that you are enjoying the warmth and friendship of your Masonic family members! Speaking of, we were glad to see so many of you at our Installation on January 6th, 2019! It meant a lot to the Daughters to have you in attendance and hope to see you at some of our upcoming events! So, help us build your future by starting with the present and sponsor a young lady for membership! It’s not too late to sign a petition! Not quite sure she will like Job’s Daughters? Not a problem! We have many monthly fun events where she can attend and meet the members and ask lots of questions! We even have a Job’s Daughters-To-Be program (run by none other than Norma Brink herself!) for just such a special young lady! Don’t miss out on this great opportunity for your youth!
The lovely ladies of Bethel #49 would once again like to express their sincere appreciation for everyone who helped with our annual fruit basket sales! Because of you it was again a huge success! You weren’t able to assist with our fund raiser? Not a problem! There are many other ways you can support our 49ers (the Job’s Daughters, that is, not so much the football team!) in their fund raising efforts. Starting in February we will once again be taking orders for Daffin’s Easter candy. So, see a member to order your items and stock up before the Easter rush hits!
For those of you not familiar with Job’s Daughters, we are a positive faith-based organization for girls between the ages of 10 and 20 that provides leadership, builds self-confidence, and allows girls to make lifelong friendships. For the months of January and February, we will be having our stated meeting on Sunday, January 21st at 3:00 p.m., Sunday, February 3rd at 3:00 p.m., and also on Sunday, February 17th at 3:00 p.m. We welcome all Masons and members of any Masonic affiliated groups to attend our meetings! And, don’t forget about our Jobie-2-Be program for any girl age 7 to 9 or any other age that is interested in learning more about Job’s Daughters. For a full list of what we do each month please check out our Bethel calendar located on the second floor bulletin board of the Warren Masonic Temple or just contact our Bethel Guardian, Angela Maselli, for more information or a petition! We hope to see you soon!
Sincerely, Daughters and Adults of Bethel #49