Greetings Masonic Family and Friends!
What a great start to the new year!  Did you attend our Semi-Annual Installation of Officers in January?  It was an amazing time!  We initiated our Daughters into their new stations and joined in fun and fellowship afterwards!

Let’s see, what else did we do in January?  Oh!  We had our monthly fun event at Past Times Arcade in Girard!  How fun was that?!  Super fun!  Thank you to the Masons for sponsoring this event for all three Masonic youth groups!  Sorry you missed out?  Want to make sure you attend our next event?  Read on for what we are up to this month….
Sunday, February 2: Job’s Daughters meeting at 3:00 pm at the Warren Masonic Temple. (Jobies-to-Be welcome!)
Friday, February 7: Sunday, February 9: Winter Weekend at the Warren Masonic Temple for all those registered in advance!
Sunday, February 16: Job’s Daughters meeting at 3:00 pm at the Warren Masonic Temple. (Jobies-to-Be welcome!)  After the meeting we will be doing our monthly Temple cleaning to help make the building shine, so bring clothes you don’t mind getting dirty!
Sunday, February 23: Double Feature Day:
– Go-To-Church Sunday at 10:30 am: Delightful Evangelical Church (2473 Barclay Messerly Road, Southington, OH 44470).
– Fun Event: Pool Party at the Medina Community Rec Center (855 Weymouth Rd., Medina OH).  We will meet at 12:30 pm in the parking lot of Delightful Evangelical Church and then caravan/carpool to Medina.  Cost to get in is $8.00 with Daughters and Jobies-to-Be free!  Please wear an appropriate swimsuit.

Thinking ahead….please mark on your calendars our Official Visitation AND Reception for the Ohio Miss Job’s Daughters and the Junior Ohio Miss Job’s Daughter at the Warren Masonic Temple on Sunday, April 6, 2025!  Speaking of, did you know that it isn’t too late for that special young lady in your life to join Job’s Daughters and join in all of this fun?  So, help us build your future by starting with the present and sponsor a young lady for membership!  It’s never too late to sign a petition!  Not quite sure she will like Job’s Daughters?  Not a problem!  We have many monthly fun events where she can attend and meet the members and ask lots of questions! Don’t miss out on this great opportunity for your youth!

 Just in case you aren’t familiar with us, Job’s Daughters’ mission is to create confident young women, respecting tradition, and shaping the future.  Our members learn invaluable skills that increase their confidence and prepare them to become leaders in your community.  For the month of February, we welcome all Masons and members of any Masonic affiliated groups to attend our meetings!  We also have a Jobie-2-Be program for any girl age 7 to 9 or any other age that is interested in learning more about Job’s Daughters.  For a full list of what we do each month, please contact our Bethel Guardian, Carrie Guesman, at (330) 219-0781, for more information or a petition!
Daughters and Adults of Bethel #49