WM, Merry Beth Vargo, 330-559-4815,
Worthy Patron, Alan Burton, 330-898-5018,
Secretary, Janet Baumann, 234-421-5931,
We held our April 17th stated meeting with 12 brave souls who got to the basement of the Complex amidst severe thunderstorms and tornado sirens streaming from city of Girard. Needless to say, we did not hold the scheduled protem initiation, but we did hold a short meeting.
Currently Joe and Mary Tufaro continue to be very seriously ill. Mary got good reports from the April scans that the tumors are shrinking. She is staying with relatives. Joe has undergone back surgery today, April 30th, and is hoping for successful therapy so he will be able to walk. Les Best, husband of Margie Best, is recuperating at home. Chris Hanna is having severe headaches and undergoing testing to determine the cause. George McClelland is scheduled for surgery on May 9th. All of these individuals need our prayers.
The Chapter will be holding our Inspection by DGM Sherri Gotthardt on Wednesday, May 15th at 7:30 pm. Officers should be at the Complex by 6:15 pm to meet with her. All Eastern Star members are invited to attend this very special evening.
Chapter members will be assisting the Masonic Complex Board in serving a stuffed cabbage roll dinner on May 19th. Details are: The hours are 1 pm to 4 pm. Adult cost is $12, Children $5. Pre-orders are available by calling Linda @(330) 207-7700. All are invited for take-out or dine-in dinners. Hope to see you there.
Sunrise Chapter
Janet Baumann, Secretary